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Dear Mr Armstrong-Braun

Subject:Complaint 98/4017 - Great Crested Newts

I would like to inform you that the Commission, at its meeting of the 21 December 2000, has now decided to issue the United Kingdom with a reasoned opinion under Article 226 of the EC Treaty. The reasoned opinion relates to the United kingdoms failure to correctly apply the provisions of the Directive 92/43/EEc on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora ( the habitats Directive). In particular, the reasoned opinion raises concerns about the application of articles 12 and 16 of the habitats Directive to the Great Crested Newt and other protectable species listed in Annex IV(a) of the Directive. It is the commissions opinion, as currently informed, that the United Kingdom authorities are failing to correctly apply the various stages of the Test in Article 16 of the Directive when allowing for derogations from the strict protection obligation in Article 12 of the Directive. The United Kingdom's response to this reasoned is now awaited and i will keep you informed of further steps taken with regard to your complaint.

Yours sincerely


Head of Unit

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, b-1049 Brussel - Belgium- Office: BU-9 1/85

direct line (+32-2)296.65.26, switch board299.11.11. Fax 299.10.70

Dis- Machinery does sometimes grow legs and walks away! so watch out you builders!