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Advanced Wrestling Terms/Mechanics

No Compete Clause

A contract stipulation used so that wrestlers or talent could not compete or perform on another wrestling federation for a certain amount of time. Sometimes this is just one federation, sometimes more.

Fence Cage vs. Steel Bar Cage

The WWF had went back and forth between the two, as did the WCW. What’s the difference? Basically, climbing. Back in the Hogan era, it was a bit more dramatic climbs to the top of the cage easier than fence cages. The more athletic, dexterous wrestlers of today went back to the mess cages, but there are areas of the cage that are "pre-cut" with holes to facilitate easier climbing. Plus the “cheese grater” effect is better to convince people of blood rather that just being thrust into the cage.

Tag ropes

Up till the mid ‘90’s, an 18 inch length of rope was looped in the legal corner of a tag team. The original rule was that you had to be holding the tag rope in order to tag into the match. It was also used as a weapon, where if the ref was distracted and the opponent was in the corner, the tag partner could choke him with it.

Crash TV

The new wrestling format brought in by Vince Russo in 1998. Rick Scaia explains…

You come back from a commercial, and before you get to the next break, you'll have upwards of three or five issues address... a "bumper" coming in from the break featuring something backstage, then a longer interview segment or video package, than an in-ring feature (usually a match), and finally another bumper before the next break (sometimes just a wrestler WALKING, but sometimes something more important).

(Note: The Democrats used “a bumper” at the 2000 convention, which was basically Bill Clinton walking backstage, getting ready to appear.)

Billy Gunning a King of the Ring

Winning a King of the Ring and recieve little or no push.

Tapping out

Before the mid ‘90’s, submitting entailed one of two things, either saying “I quit” or having your arm drop three times to tell if you were unconscious. With the popularity of shootfighting and the Ultimate Fighting Championship, tapping out became a more popular way of telling the ref you give. It can be traced back with Ken Shamrock’s entrance into the WWF and Dean Malenko/Ultimo Dragon’s enterance in the WCW.


It can mean one of two things.

a) A move or action with more stength and power used in it. Such as Chris Benoit’s chops and Balls Mahoney chair shots.

b) A wrestler who is unable to bump, underskilled, and/or charasmatic and basically, not fun to watch.

The WWF vs. WCW Ring

Size18 x 18 feet15 x 15 feet
RopesSteel cable with rubber around it. Higher by a couple of inches and looser.Steel cable wrapped around rubber. Shorter than the WWF, but tighter ropes for high flyers
SurfacePlywood with some 1/8 padding. Harder than WCW.Plywood and a ¼ padding.

Dusty Finish

A reversal of a match decision the night after, due to certain circumstances.

Papering a crowd

To give tickets away to the public to increase attendance.

Pillman Shoot

A interview or incident where a wrestler works smart fans and/or the wrestlers in back by integrating facts known by them.

(See "Bookerman Incidenet" under Pillman in Individual Wrestlers)

Pillmanizing an ankle

Putting an ankle in between the seat and back portions of a folding chair, and stomping it, to make the illusion of breaking it.

Playing the Ricky Morton

In a tag team match, a face team member that spends in inordinate amount of time in the ring, getting beat down by his heel opponents and never quite making the tag. When the man does, it's called a "hot tag", to gain some face heat from the crowd.

Phantom title change

A title change without a match where an opponent pinned a champion.

Phantom double title switch

A champion(s) loses a title to his opponent(s) at a house show, just to gain it back at another house show a day(s) later, not being mentioned on tv.

Marquis (Dutchess) of Queensbury Rules

Under the rules, the match is done in five minute rounds, if there is no pinfall/submission in the round, the round is awarded by a panel of judges, and punching/kicking and other ungentlemanly tactics are met with disqualification. Made popular by William (Steven) Regal.

Spewing Mist

The way that most wrestlers (mainly Japanese wrestlers) do it is by chewing a capsule with green gelatin or food coloring. It mixes with their saliva, and you have the ammo. Spew at will. (Usually, the capsule is handed to the wrestler by a ring side person--referee, manager, ring attendant, etc.—or hidden under the ring. They sometimes put it in the mouths before on shorter matches.)

Each color represents different mists.

Throwing Fire

Usually flash paper, a magician's paper which burns quickly and leaves no ashes, is used to throw fireballs. It’s harmless, and usually never makes contact with the victim. If it does, it’s only for a second or two, and no major damage is done.