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(if you have the software and hardware to listen to midi music, you should be hearing the theme from 'Greatest American Hero' right about now. Ok, so JL is not American, but he is the greatest and a hero! *grin* this was the best I could do)

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Why I think JL is a dead set legend:

Well, where do I start? I first noticed Justin playing Sheffield Shield cricket for WA in the early 90's. I can't remember who WA were playing, but they were under enormous pressure from their opposition in the fourth innings. They were chasing a pretty modest target, but were losing wickets rapidly, and there was a lot of bounce and swing in the bowling. A young lad called Justin Langer strode out to the crease, gritted his teeth, put his head down and hung on through the whole innings to guide WA to a remarkable victory. He showed his amazing ability to stick to his game plan under pressure. His courage and way of putting his team above his own averages is an inspiration to me.

I play cricket myself (yes, even being a girl an' all :), and I really admire the way JL values his wicket more than any other batter in the world. I'd love to have even a millionth of his batting talent. He can play both speed and spin, a great runner between wickets, and a fantastic fieldsman to boot. He also has a great cricketing brain, and his writing ability proves that he is a multi-talented lad.

Anyway, enough rambling from me, I just wanted to explain why Justin Langer is my hero.

Justin - thanks for the inspiration you have provided so far in your career, and best wishes for the future.

That's all,


And this site is not just the ramblings of only one JL fan... if you want to express to the world why you love Justin Langer, fill in the form at the bottom of the page, and I will post your writing right here... Below is the writing of people who have submitted stuff so far:

This is what QuinnY from Sydney had to say:

Well, Justin Langer is one of my favourite cricketers. He and Damien Martyn, I believe, are two of the most talented and courageous players in Australian cricket. Langer is a tough player who any captain would dearly love to have not out in a tough situation, and to say nothing for when the team is playing well and building a nice total. As a cricketer myself, and in particular a batsman, I can not look past Langer for inspiration. His courage, mental toughness and his strong defensive play have inspired me to do my best to dig the team out of a tough situation on many occasions. Other times, it is Langer's mate Damien Martyn who inspires me to take on the bowlers and play an agressive and productive innings. My mind goes back to many a shield partnership...against Tasmania in 1995 in particular and also Australia "A" vs NZ when Martyn and Langer both played outstandingly. Justin Langer, and in particular the story of his career, from the setbacks to the triumphs, has long been one of the most influential people in my cricket career. I would dearly love to see him and Marto play for Australia for many years to come, and continue a happy and successful career.


Kim from Adelaide has an ace story about meeting the great man himself:

I think that Australian cricket would not be the same with out our Justin Langer because he is such a talented player and can play in all sorts of situations. The other reason why I like Justin so much is because he is such a sweet guy and I have met this sweet guy when I was 12th man/girl for the day for the SA Redbacks and I met him then, he was so incredibly sweet and came and introduced himself to me and started chatting away to me, then I had to go off the field. Second drinks break he was still in and he talked to me again, took half the packet of cheweys and then drinks break over. He got out before the third drinks break which was a real bummer. Then after the game I got to see him and got his Autograph. I want to tell the world that he is a sweety.


Short and sweet message from Jayanti Satyanarayana:

I love JL!

Jayanti Satyanarayana

Another message from some one who has met JL (hmmph, I am so jealous!)... Thanks Philly from Perth :)

Basically, he's a legendary cricketer....I so couldn't beleive it when I met him at the game between the Western Warriors and Pakistan during the 99/00 was so funny when he went over and took the chips from some kids.......I was so hyped up after meeting him though.....

JL is a legend......he's such a great player....I hated it when everyone was calling for him to be dropped from the Test team, and then he and Gilly went out and made that partnership that won the game for the can ask any of my friends, I supported JL though-out it all......

Well, I guess that's all.....


And another person who has met him - this is so unfair! This posting is by Mark, all the way from London... and thanks Mark, any JL & Middlesex news would be greatly apreciated :)

JL is about to play his 3rd season for Middlesex - this year he will be captain

this (for you oz guys!!) is a great honour of which i know he is aware of

our last 3 captains were

Mark Ramprakash 1997-98

Mike Gatting 1983-1996

Mike Brearley 1971-1982

i have met JL as i try to watch a lot of games in the summer and he autographed both his book and a copy of the scorecard in the Middx v Essex game where he and Gatt broke the county 1st wicket record by putting on 372

i have spoke to him and watched him in action - i can tell you that he has had two good years for us - easily being our best player in what is a currently weak Middx side which is in transition

i know he takes his role as 'overseas pro'very seriously and always give 100%

i will send you some JL news during our summer


Some nice words from Robert Ellam of Havant, Hampshire, England:

I Think at the present time JL is the finest batsman on the planet,i just wish he was English...

Ed's note: Frankly Robert, I'm bloody glad JL is one of the "good guys"! - Mae -


Erin from Melbourne is another JL fan :)

I love JL! I think he is gorgeous. He is such a good batsmen and should've been in the side at number 3 before they actually put him there. I love him so much. He should have won the Allan Border medal, I reckon.

Mark from London gives us an update on JL's season with Middlesex:

Well, it's been a tough season so far.

In the 4 day , we are in theory 17th of 18th in the land - JL has done his bit , nearly 1000 runs and tried to motivate a young side.

Slightly better in the 1 day stuff we reached the quarter final of the Nat West but played badly against a team we should have beaten.

In the 1 day league we are in with a shot at promotion from division 2.

Next year JL will of course be here with the Aussies - but i hope we give him a 2-3 yr contract from 2002 as capatain.


Robert from Sydney had a fantastic JL experience in London:

I was in London last year and one of the tours I really wanted to do was the tour around Lords.

When the tour guide was taking the group up to the vistor's dressing room, JL was walking down the stairs, away from the dressing room. JL smiled to the group (about 30-40 people). The dressing room trip was just about the end of the tour. We all started to walk to leave the building and a couple of people from the group saw Justin and his daughter playing on the grass area at the back of the building. So we went over and asked for a photo of JL. JL was more then happy to have the picture taken with us.

After the photos was taken I was thinking he would just walk away, but I was wrong. He started to ask questions to us. What did you think of the tour? Where else have you seen in London? Have you be travelling of long and has anything happened? Most of my friends don't ask me those questions. JL must have talk to us for at least 20-30 minutes. He did not have to talk to us but he was a really gentleman. JL thank you for the time and the chat, just that time you gave to me (and the other people) that day was the highlight of my 6 week trip. Thank you again


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