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janet kosnik

Here in Montana, we should only have to contend with super cold weather for another month or so. But, until then, there still are some concerns we should have about protecting our hounds in the cold. They need special considerations in the cold weather, especially if they are kenneled outside.

I house my hounds individually in 6X12X6 kennels with a good insulated doghouse in each. They are bedded in hay, usually, although I have one hound that has had an allergic reaction to it so he is in cedar shavings. I will add extra bedding for my hounds as the cold weather comes in. They burrow into that deep hay in the cold. When the temperature dips way below 0, like 20 below, I will double up my hounds. Luckily, I have an even number of hound dogs: 6. It’s also important to put dogs together who get along and make sure none of your females are kenneled with a male if there’s a possibility of one of those girls coming into heat during the cold snap. There’s no need to stress your dogs more than it is necessary by kenneling 2 hounds together who will not enjoy sharing the same space. It’s stressful enough for them when the temperature drops below zero! My hounds prefer having their own space in their kennels but they SURE don’t seem to mind sharing when it gets cold. That extra body heat makes a big difference!

Water is another important concern for your hounds in the winter. I allow my hounds free access to water twice a day when it is below zero. They are fed morning and evening and I add warm water to their dry food at feeding time. This way they are forced to take in water with their meal. I prefer to feed my hounds twice daily all year ‘round. It is beneficial feeding smaller meals in preventing canine bloat and, I feel, that’s it’s healthier for them to take in calories twice a day, especially when they need them to maintain body heat in the cold. We enjoy eating more than once a day. And it’s a well-known fact that smaller, rather than larger meals are healthier for us. So, it can’t be bad for the dogs! My hounds are more content when they are fed morning and evening. And quieter, too! They are more satisfied after eating and are content to sleep. And quieter hounds are a plus if you care about getting along with your neighbors.

There can be some minor problems with hounds’ feet in the cold weather. Cut pads from hunting in crusty snow are a concern. Rest is usually all that’s needed for this. Trying to put a healing salve on the pads might just encourage them to lick. And some dogs just keep on licking which does more damage than the original problem. Hounds can get ice balls between their toes and they will try to bite them out. Just the warmth from your fingers/hands will melt and loosen them up enough to remove. Dogs standing on 3 legs are a common sight in my yard when it’s cold out. I don’t force them to exercise or road them during this frigid, stressful period. Their calories are needed for more essential functions.

I hope I have given you a few ideas to use in your kennel when the cold weather hits. And I hope all your hounds fare well this winter.