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Inside Master's Head

I'm a nice guy. So how did I get to this point? Where did life lead me in the wrong direction? As I look for these answers I travel even further down the path of the Alternative lifestyle. I close my eyes and start my journey inward, .....into my World.

The first thing I feel is my aching heart. It has been broken many times. I feel the pressure surging in my chest. What is this pain? Make it go away! PLEASE, SOMEONE MAKE IT GO AWAY!!

Rebirth,.....My existence is not forever. Not in this world. My soul cries along with my heart. Is it escape they seek? Maybe.......... I feel the pain the pain more clearly now. This pain is my longing to be loved. I want to feel love, to express love. But all I feel is pain. The pain of loneliness.

My natural instinct is to seek out love. Search until I find it. But in my world, fueled by loneliness, fueled by pain, I can only find pleasure by giving all that I have.

Pain is all I know. My heart and soul breathe pain. So inflicting pain to satisfy my carnal desires only seems to be natural for me.

I was amazed to learn that some people crave the pain. They need the pain in order to create love. This is the way of all things. What one person expels another person consumes. This is the YEN and YANG of the universe. GOD made you And I to work together, but be different as night and day. As long as the cycle is moving life is flourishing. When the cycle stops, we begin to die. For some submissives the more pain they take, the more love they produce. Along with love comes harmony and peace. The tranquil ebb and flow of the soul.

For the dominant, the more intense the pain inflicted, the more harmonious, his soul becomes. For either YEN or YANG, by itself, would cease to live and begin to die. Once I learned the meaning of life I wondered how to use it. To live instead of die.

I have encountered many souls in my travels. And some are in agony because they do not flow. I weep for them to find their way. Let GOD guide them through the rain. Into salvation.

As I sit here in throbbing pain I realize my purpose. I understand the give and take, pain and pleasure, sorrow and joy. God help me find my Soulmate!!

Master Takes


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