Welcome to Roofonfire!
This site is all about an adventure education training course which took place from 7 - 16 September 01998 in Bebruasai, Lithuania.
My job was to be there as reporter and, therefore, to write the report. I had a fantastic, magical time. So, when I got home, I thought: why not try an experiment and use a free web page to put up the report as I write it?
The temptation (of course) has been to spend time adding illustrations,Java Script etc., but I've tried to keep it really simple. So, for example, you can access nearly everything from the home page - the little home octopus will bring you back again.
Feedback from participants and team has been really positive. And as time goes by little things are added and things are changed and people get to know about Roof on Fire. Nice, that...
Hope you get some of the Bebrusai spirit. Send me an e-mail and let us know.
thanks Moritz for this one!