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I became a freelance trainer and consultant around the end of last century.  Since then I have worked throughout Europe and beyond for a wide range of organisations, institutions, agencies and businesses. After plenty of movement in my life, including a year living in Belgrade and four years in Brussels, again Strasbourg is home to me and my family.

Depending on the needs of the project organisers, I may be involved in the planning of course programmes or act as co-ordinator, trainer, coach/ supervisor of teams, general rapporteur, evaluator or as consultant.  In addition to consulting and running activities I have long experience in writing publications for an international public.

Major areas of work:

· intercultural learning and communication
· international team work
· human rights education and campaigning
· training for trainers
· experiential learning
· international projects: exchanges, seminars, voluntary work
  · exploring the issue of recognition of competence in non-formal education - who for? what for? how??
  · external evaluation of projects

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Examples of the projects I've worked on:

·Member of the steering group of long-term Grundtvig project on Learning to Learn; including developing concepts, training and synthesising practice and research

·Active contribution to European-level policy and practice initiatives such as the SALTO Tools for Learning expert group and the Youthpass Recognition Team and the Advisory Group

·Documentalist and evaluator in long-term training course of outdoor experiential learning educators: via Experientia, Lithuania and Italy

·Newcomers Training, European Commission and National Agencies, Brussels

·Trainer consultant to the Inter-Culture & Arts Association of Taiwan, running workshops on intercultural learning and communication in Kaoshiung and Taipei

· Facilitator of the Summit on Nonformal Learning between Estonia, Croatia and Serbia, Tallinn

· Research on youth issues for the UN Alliance of Civilizations, New York, Doha, Jakarta

· Consultant to the group of specialists developing the European Portfolio for youth leaders and youth workers. Have a look at the portfolio here.

· External evaluator for the Hajde da "Alphabet of Tolerance" project, Serbia & Montenegro

· Team member working on the development and implementation of two long-term training courses for the European Commission and Council of Europe: Training Active Trainers in EuroMed (TATEM) and Advanced Training for Trainers in Europe (ATTE)

· Facilitator of the group producing the EuroMed Training Bag for the SALTO EuroMed Resource Centre

· Developing and animating a virtual platform for young researchers and those interested in youth policy in Europe, especially concerning vocational education and training for Cedefop (European agency for vocational education and training based in Thessalonika)

· Establishing training needs and designing tailor-made "3D" courses for trainers and promoters of the EuroMed and YOUTH programmes in Turkey, Ireland and the Baltic countries

· Team building, coaching and intercultural learning for Drustvo Centre za Pomoc Mladim, Slovenia

·Running a training course for teachers and mediators on the use of a new publication dealing with refugee issues, ASTI, Luxembourg

·Running a training course on human rights education for school directors, teachers and NGOs , Amnesty International, Tomsk, Russia

·Training INSEAD MBA students in teamwork, Fontainebleau, France

· Facilitating a seminar on conflicts and misunderstandings in Polish-German youth work, Mikuszewo, Poland

· Advising the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and Council of Europe on plans for the Ombudsperson Institution human rights campaign in Kosovo

· Team supervisor/coach for the Heinrich Pesch Haus training course, otherwise known as the "Cocktail Project", Portugal

· Editor of the European youthwork magazine "Coyote" - part of the European Union and Council of Europe partnership in the field of youth

· Editor of the SALTO EuroMed "Tools for Learning" magazine

Selected publications

Holding the Space - Facilitating reflection and inner readiness for learning, (02016), REFLECT, (co-editor), ISBN: 9789082139983

Foreword, in Farmer, C. Grumpy in Belgrade - The Prehistory (02015), Komshe

Graphic Express - First steps to graphic facilitation in youth work, (02014), SALTO EuroMed, (co-author)

Learning to Learn - handbook for facilitators, UNIQUE Network, (02012, co-author)

Youthpass for absolute beginners, Norwegian National Agency, Oslo (02011, co-author)

Supporting Learning: Long-term training courses in Euro_Med, (2011), co-author

Learning to Learn, Facilitators Handbook, Learning2Learn project of UNIQUE network (02010) co-author

Youthpass Guide: making the most of your learning, SALTO-YOUTH Training and Cooperation Resource Centre, Bonn (02009)co-author

The European Portfolio for Youth Workers and Youth Leaders working in the context of non-formal education/learning, Council of Europe, Strasbourg (02007)

Eine Kampagne zum Aufreissen, Deutsches Nationalkomitee fuer Internationale Jugendarbeit im Rahmen der Kampagne "alle anders - alle gleich", Berlin (02007)

Tips and Questions for National Campaign Committees, all different-all equal campaign, Strasbourg (02006)

Prepoznavanje omladinskog rada i omladinskih radnika/lidera; primeri i modeli prepoznavanja in Darko Markovic (ed) Neformalno Obrazovanje U Evropi - Korak ka prepoznavanju neformalnog obrazovanja u SCG, Hajde da, Belgrade (02005)

Madzinga: Intercultural via experiential learning and outdoor education. Reflected experience of a long-term training course in Belgium and Lithuania, (02005) co-author.

all different all equal Education Pack: Ideas, resources, methods and activities for informal intercultural education / tous différents tous égaux Kit Pédagogique: Idées, ressources, méthodes et activités pour l'éducation interculturelle informelle, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, (01995 and 02005)  co-author

Evaluation - your guide to evaluating YOUTH Programme training courses [CD-ROM], SALTO-YOUTH, British Council, London (02004) co-author

Discovering Diversity - Teacher's Pack, UNESCO Commission and British Council, Sweden (02003/02005)

Building Bridges - Peace Education for Youth Hostels, International Youth Hostel Federation,(02003) - co-author

International School Network Human Rights Report, Interkulturelles Zentrum, Vienna (02002)

Jump into Education for Democratic Citizenship!, Council of Europe, Strasbourg (02002)

Critical approach to the media in civic education, Council for Cultural Cooperation, Strasbourg (02002)

SALTO EUROMED - Two Training Courses - Final Report, Salto-Youth Injep, Paris (02001)

The European Convention on Human Rights - Starting points for teachers, Public Relations Division, Council of Europe, Strasbourg (02001/02003)
[Available in 24 languages, also on CDROM]

Cocktail Project, Diversity is the Motor of Innovation Again!- Second training course, Heinrich Pesch Haus, Ludwigshafen, (02000)

Intercultural Learning/L'apprentissage interculturel: T-Kit Number 4, Council of Europe & European Commission, Strasbourg, (02000) co-author and editor

Kosovo International Human Rights Conference - December 1999, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Pristina,(02000)

The human rights challenge in police practice, Human Rights Awareness Unit, Strasbourg, (01999)

"Marker" - a regular column in "Coyote", the magazine on youthwork in Europe, published jointly by the European Comission and the Council of Europe, (July 01999 onwards)

Europe is more than you think - fact and activity sheets for teachers on the work of the Council of Europe, Public Relations Directorate, Council of Europe, (01999)

Cocktail Project, Diversity is the Motor of Innovation - First training course, Heinrich Pesch Haus, Ludwigshafen, (01998)

Good company needs at the beginning big investment! Intercultural Learning in Youth Exchanges - Long-term Training Course, Interkulturelles Zentrum, Vienna, (01997)

Cartoon books against intolerance / La bande dessinée contre l'intolérance, Human Rights Information Centre, Strasbourg (01997)

"Intercultural Learning and Training for European Youth Activities", in CYRCE, The Puzzle of Integration, European Yearbook on Youth Policy and Research, Volume One, Circle for Youth Research Co-operation in Europe, De Gruyter, Berlin and New York, (01995)

"Methoden internationaler Jugendarbeit - Bausteine inhaltlicher Gestaltungen" in Otten, Hendrik and Treuheit, Werner (eds.)  Interkulturelles Lernen in Theorie und Praxis, IKAB, Leske + Budrich, Opladen (01994)

Youth for Europe training guide / Jeunesse pour l'Europe guide de formation, European Community Youth Exchange Bureau, Brussels, (01992) compiler

Training courses resource file / Stages de formation dossiers ressources, 12 volumes, European Youth Centre, Strasbourg, (01990-92) compiler

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last updated: 14.9.02016

* all dates conform to the spirit of "The Long Now" - which means we need to take a loooong view and watch out for the 10K bug!