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Shambala & Idaho Bead Fest

My cyber bead bud, Susie Disher who lives in Northern California had
the great fortune to make a trip to Shambala, a wild animal rescue
reserve that actress Tippi Hedren, mother of Melanie Griffith has made
her primary concern for many years, the rescue and salvation of unwanted
wild animals. Hopefully, my friend Susie aka meowluver will not mind
if I share her pictures and letter about her trip.

Hi, I'm home, I'm home!

I got to pet a cheetah!!! She was beautiful, and her coat is coarse, and I got to touch her. She wasn't shedding like my house cats, so I only got one little strand, and it blew away. I had my picture taken with the cheetah, an elephant, and a TIGER!! But, they wouldn't let us touch the tiger or elephant. When I was standing next to the tiger, my shirt touched him, and he turned around and looked at me. He was so incredibly beautiful. They had the three animals available for photos, and the cost was $10 each, or three for $25. What a bargain! Of course, they aren't the most flattering of pics. They don't even give you a chance to get ready. It's, "come here, stand here, o.k., next"! But I don't care, I was in heaven. Most of the critters are in enclosures, of course, but we were only about 2-3 feet away from them. I loved it. We also spent time with Tippi Hedren, and she mingled and talked to everyone. I did get into some trouble though, of course. There wasn't any fur laying around, but as we were walking back to the car, my cousin noticed some white 'stuff' on the tiger fence. It looked like fur, and it was around the feeding hole. So, I leaned over the restraining fence, stuck my fingers through the fence, and took some of it. Well, I was seen by one of the workers there, and was told in no uncertain terms to stop it!! The tiger wasn't interested in us, and my cousin tried to explain what I was doing, but it didn't matter. I put the 'fur' in a film tube, but I haven't looked at it yet to see how much I got, or even if it is fur. I'll let you know, and send some off if it is fur. It may be only a strand or two, do you still want it?

They also spent time talking about different causes, and asking us to write to our senate and congress people. Did you know that 'canned hunts' are legal in most of the U.S.? That is where a lion, tiger, etc., is tied to a tree, and a 'hunter' comes along and shoots it for a trophy. What kind of 'sport' is that? There are over 1000 of these places in the U.S., over 500 of them in Texas, of course. These animals are bought at legal auctions, and are called 'excess' circus or zoo animals. Guess who's going to be writing letters?

Susie D. aka Meowluver's Pocket Gallery

The Frankenkitty pattern is by Jennie Might

My good friend Susie needs no introduction; you all know her. Here's some
of her beautiful beadwork. She has done a couple of Rayney's spiral kits,
and the gorgeous African Helix that I want to learn how to do. She is shy,
don't know why; she hangs out with me and I am brassy wild style and I value
her friendship more than she knows.

Idaho Bead Fest

We didn't stay here at the Coeur d'Alene Resort. Foreground is Sally
in blue and Kristi in blue jeans; behind Sally is Eva; then Michelle and
Karen in beige.
We did, however stay here, at Squaw Bay in a 2 room log cabin with a wrap
around porch complete with hot tub and picnic table
Here's the porch and hot tub. Inside the cabin, no flash available
but the beading and oohing and ahhing and tips and swapping was fast
and fun.
If there is water around and it is not frozen or ridculously cold, I'm
in it; here with Michelle cooling off our feet; shopping was very much fun
but was tiring too. We ate at Red Lobster and then at the catered dinner
for the vendors and the 6 of us world class shoppers.
Here's the project I took along; thanks kindly to Suzanne Cooper for
for the pattern and Karen and Eva for trying to get the tiny baby spiral
into my hard head. Karen was so kind as to e me the instruction along
with her hand drawn graphic.