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Sonic Team's | Genesis Codes

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 | Debug Mode
>Do the Level Select code. While in the Level Select >Screen, highlight the level you wish to play and hold >A,
then press Start. While in the game, press B to toggle between various objects and Sonic, C to duplicate the
object and A to change the object. You can even become Super Sonic and you'll be invincible as well.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 | Level Select & Sound Test
>When you first power up the game and the background >of the Sega logo turns black, quickly press Up, >Up,
Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up. If done correctly and timely you'll here a ring. Just press the Reset button
to try again if you don't get it right. Then, at the Title Screen go down to where it says Sound Test and enter it.
It's also a Level Select!