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he wept

he wept

the pain ripped through his heart of ice
the tears of glass he shed alone
for each soft look he did not give
for every smile that did not live
for every agony atone
he wept, for frailty enticed

she wept

a friend, a foe, rival for love
a twin in face, the same in heart
of secrets shared, memories made
promises kept and debts repaid
grown together, yet grown apart
she wept, their friendship never clove

he smiled

a love, a friend, his life no lie
through all the time he’d been with them
and all the gentleness they gave
the kindness with him to the grave
the strength of love beyond their ken
he smiled, and then he said good-bye.


as per request-
Clove: split apart
Ken: sphere of knowledge, understanding
