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  Domo arigatou gozaimashita to Sushi for getting this scene for me off her subs from E. Monsoon. ^-^; And Tasuki, you'd better appreciate me for this. You know who you are. ~Kiri

by Kiri

part 2

His breath was soft in my ear as I awoke.

I slowly slid out from underneath him, moving his head from my shoulder onto the pillow. I carefully extracted my legs from his as well and his fingers from my hair. I shivered as the cold morning air hit my body, stinging me like nettles. I hurriedly pulled on some of my cast-away clothing from last night, seeking warmth. My hair I retied back into my usual long braid.

I started towards the door and then paused, turning slightly. I moved slowly back towards him, asleep on the bed. His mouth was slightly open and the chill in the air was making it appear that he could breathe out smoke. I pulled the blankets a little further up on him, trying to keep him as covered as I could. It was so cold so far up north. I lowered my head and left a light kiss on his forehead, then I disappeared out the door.

No one had ever touched me like that. It had all been so rash. But I would not trade that night for anything.

My first kiss had been Tamahome, while I still had thought I loved the emperor. The second had been Tasuki's, last night. I thought I would never kiss anyone in love.

I started walking down the hall, the memory of his fingers dancing over my body strong. I had never dreamt that he could be so gentle, so tender, that I could feel like that at all. I had never dreamt that he could love me as I loved him. I trailed my fingers along the wood paneling of the wall, feeling shy, happy, and quiet.

"Nuriko!" I heard a voice cheerfully exclaim, obviously unaffected by the atmosphere of the morning. "Ready to eat?"

I turned my eyes up to see Tamahome, a little surprised to see anyone else awake for some reason. I just nodded at him and granted him a shy little smile. He grinned back at me and led the way to the table.

I sat down at an empty seat and noticed that everyone was there, with Tasuki as the notable exception. I hid a smile as I thought that the reason his presence was so missed was because the decibel level was so much lower. Tamahome sat as well and then looked around. "Where's Tasuki?"

"I knocked on his door!" protested Miaka quickly. "Could he have slept through it?"

I suddenly blushed and looked down, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. I could feel someone's eyes on me, and raised my own. It was Chichiri, and he was studying me silently. I gave him the tiniest smile and he smiled back slightly.

"I'll go get him no da," he volunteered. Casting another glance at me, he turned and walked out of the room.

The others talked in excited tones all around me. I was completely lost in thought. Everything was background noise. He really loved me... he wanted to stay with me... he wanted to make me happy... and I wanted the same for him. I was so surprised at everything. How could he love me?

A flash of fire-colored hair drew my eyes to the doorway after a moment. He smiled sleepily at me. Chichiri resumed his place.

He was barely dressed. His shirt hung out and his pants were wrinkled. His boots were on but untied, and his hair was messy and unkempt. How beautiful he was. And how I loved him.

He sauntered to the only place left at the table and sat. He flashed me a silly grin and I smiled back, lowering my eyes modestly. Food came and went, and I sensed his eyes on me the whole time. I felt like I was glowing and I was amazed that no one except Chichiri had noticed yet.

“All right, then... what should we do from here?” Tamahome asked us. His words came to me through a daze.

“Right now we're near the city's entrance. I think we should split up and look for the shinzahou. Since Chiriko's a child, I'll pair up with him no da,” Chichiri added.

“Thank you,” Chiriko said, giving Chichiri a smile. I wondered vaguely if he felt slightly patronized. I would have, but he did not appear to be.

They were deciding with whom each of us would go to search for the Shinzaho. I raised my eyes to Tasuki and looked at him worriedly. We were not making the decisions.

I fingered my braid lightly, a little nervously. I didn't want to be separate from him, but I was unsure whether he wanted our relationship- if indeed he wanted to keep it, as he had said last night- public.

“Since Tasuki's dangerous,” Chichiri continued, “he should pair up with Mitsukake no da.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Tasuki asked irritably, shifting his gaze from me to the monk. I stifled a smile. I did not fear any sort of danger from him.

“And I’ll go with Miaka,” Tama said smoothly, brushing over my love’s words.

Miaka glanced at me. “What about you, Nuriko?”

I lowered my eyes, gazing at my bracelets. I wanted to go with Tasuki, but I was unsure what his feelings about being open about us were. I had higher duties as well. I had promises to keep. “I'll team up with you two, Miaka. I have to protect you in place of Hotohori-sama.” I did not make promises lightly, especially to the emperor.

I suddenly felt a hand grab my chin and the scent of alcohol poured into my nose. “Hey, babe!” slurred a man’s voice into my ear, “you've got quite a cute face. Wanna drink with me?”

I could see out of the corner of my eye Tasuki almost stand up. I could sense his anger from here, but he knew I was more than able to handle it. I carefully tossed the drunk across the room. “How rude! I'm not that easy!” Unless, of course, one was tall, flame-haired, and wielded fire...

Tasuki was pleased with the way I handled the situation. “You're so pretty! Maybe you shouldn't team up with Miaka. After all, looks like there're a whole bunch of drunks here.” Was this his way of making an excuse for me to go with him? If so, I did not mind, but I blushed slightly at the compliment.

I glanced around to see whether he spoke the truth or not. To my consternation, most of the men in the room were looking at me. I only wanted one man here to look at me like that. Catcalls and whistles saluted me. “Hey, babe! Wanna have a drink with me?”

Tamahome decided to get into it too. “Yeah, with two women, we can't move on if we keep getting stopped by every pervert around.”

I was, needless to say, slightly frustrated. “Okay! I get it! In other words, I shouldn't look like a girl, right?” I cast an annoyed glance around to the table, waiting for someone to disagree. No one did. They all looked rather stunned. I frowned and pulled out a knife.

With one swift motion, my braid lay in my hand, separated from the rest of my hair. I watched their jaws drop.

“Ooh, what a waste!” Tamahome exclaimed, staring at my new haircut. Goodness, it hadn’t taken him seven years to grow out his hair... what did it matter to him?

Miaka seemed to be the only one concerned with my feelings. “Is that okay with you, Nuriko? You can't dress like a woman anymore.”

I sighed quietly, not daring to look up at Tasuki. “It's all right. It’s about time I stopped cross-dressing anyway. I can’t afford to be so picky when we have to fight the Seiryuu seishi.”

Tamahome agreed. “That's right... Seiryuu seishi. We'll probably be running into them.”

“Na no da,” Chichiri affirmed as well. “The problem is communication between us while we're searching for the Shinzaho no da. In order to avoid detection, we can't use any spells no da.”

Tasuki was staring at me, but then he turned his attention to the others. “What a mess...” I wondered if he was referring to my hair or to the situation- or both.

“I have a great idea!” Chiriko suddenly burst out. I raised my eyes to him at the sound of his voice, but my gaze quickly moved to Tasuki. Fortunately, he was looking at our youngest companion.

“What the hell...?! Don't surprise me like that!!” His anger, I think, was a bit displaced. I was afraid of what Tasuki would say to me about my hair when we were alone. I sighed again, keeping my eyes away from his beautiful face.

“Chiriko, what's your great idea?” Miaka asked curiously.

The boy put a few sticks of something on the table. “This.”

Tamahome looked as confused as I felt. “Fireworks?”

“They're flares,” Chiriko said proudly. “If you discover anything about the location of the shinzahou, shoot this into the sky. You should be able to see it from anywhere around the city.”

Everyone seemed to understand and took one. I took the one for Tamahome, Miaka, and me. After all, I was the oldest. And now I didn't look so much like a girl.

Soon after, everyone was done eating. Miaka and Tamahome got up together, going out to saddle the horses. Chichiri gave me a worried glance and the pulled Chiriko out the door. Mitsukake tapped Tasuki on the shoulder, told him to get dressed, and that he would meet him outside. And we were alone.

I heard him push his seat out and stand up. My braid was still in my hand. I kept my eyes lowered. I was nervous for some reason. I didn’t want him to be angry with me. Not after just finding him.

He walked around the table to me. I stood up slowly, still facing the table. “Nuriko...” he started, but this time I cut him off.

“Gomen ne,” I said quietly. “I hope you’re not upset... and if you are... I’m so sorry...”

He touch my shoulder lightly. “Are you okay?”

I looked up at him. He was worried about me? “Hai...”

He reached his other hand to mine and took the braid out of it. “I loved your hair, you know...”

I bit my lip and lowered my eyes. “Gomen...”

He removed his hand from my shoulder and used it to tilt my chin up. “But I love you more than your hair could ever mean to me.” With that, he leaned down and kissed me.

I was a bit surprised, but was not ungrateful. I leaned into the kiss, prolonging it, until the raucous calls from the drunk men pulled me away from him. He gave me a shy laugh.

I touched his shirt, which was hanging open slightly, revealing part of his chest. My finger traced up to that bare part, and I watched my hand, enjoying the reaction I knew I was getting from him. “You ought to get dressed...”

He shivered slightly under my ministrations. “H-hai...” His free hand sought mine. “Are you coming?”

I laughed quietly. “You’d never get dressed if I did.”

He smiled wickedly at me. “Exactly.”

I smacked him playfully on the arm. “I’m going with Tamahome and Miaka. I’ll see you later.” I started to walk away when I felt a tug on my arm.

His eyes were so serious. “Na, Nuriko... be careful, okay?”

I was surprised again. Someone was worried about me... I nodded quickly. “I will be.” I reached up and gave him another gentle kiss. “I love you.”

Relief shone in his features. “I love you too. See you soon, ne?”

I cast him a quick smile. “Of course. Now go get dressed, love.”

He started to walk away, but gave me a dreamy smile as he did. “Love... I like that...”

I chuckled quietly and made my way out the door, towards Tamahome, Miaka, and the shinzahou.

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