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Someone Else's Life
By Hikaru and Kiri

Part Seventeen

I stood alone, my back against the cold wooden exterior of the building's frame. Snow fell around me in breathless flurries that settled onto my skin, my hair, and my eyelashes, remaining only for a minute before disappearing, vanishing into nothingness. Nuriko had ventured back inside in search of a warmer coat after remembering just how cold it was outside. I had watched his shivering form disappear quickly inside the inn, the door being blown shut behind him.

Closing my eyes against the sparse snowflakes, I let a soft sigh escape in a puff of cloudy wisps that floated into the air and faded quickly from sight.

"Na..." a voice beside me called. My eyes shot open and I found myself looking straight into the shifty eyes of the malevolently grinning flame-haired bandit.

"Ohayo, Tasuki..." I began, watching him a bit warily. He was smirking evilly, his eyes watching me curiously.

"Aa," he said, nodding slightly. The wind began blowing again, but oddly enough, it barely ruffled his hair, not moving a single strand out of place. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced around, almost nervously. "Where's Nuriko?" His voice sounded wary.

"He went inside... to get a coat," I said, motioning towards the door with my head. "He'll be right out if you need to talk to him..."

He shook his head, cutting me off, the mischief-filled spark returning to his flaming eyes. "Iie... just making sure he's not gonna jump out of the shadows and scare the shit out of me or anything. Actually, I sort of wanted to talk to you a bit." His grin grew wider.

I took a step backwards, only to find myself literally up against a wall. A sudden chill came over me, colder than the weather of the chilly day. "Oh?"

"Hai." He nodded definitely, completely sure of himself. I wished silently Nuriko would hurry, and cast my eyes towards the door, hoping to see his face appearing there. But he did not, and, almost reluctantly, I turned my gaze back to the bandit. "What's it like, kissing another man like that? I mean, shit, isn't it a bit weird? I mean, no offense or anything, but it's sort of fucking strange to see." He kicked at the snow with his foot, his eyes watching my face.

Blinking, I just stared at him for a moment. "I... no, no it isn't weird... at all. I love him." It wasn't strange. Even if I had been a man, or Nuriko a woman, I still would have loved him. There was nothing wrong with that. I wondered briefly how Nuriko felt about this, about what others might think because of the way things appeared, especially since the truth was so vastly different from what was seen.

Shrugging, Tasuki began digging at the snow again with his foot. "Yeah, so I've heard." He shook his head. "Shit, you two actually sleep together too. Damn, I heard the noises when you two were on the boat."

My eyes widened and I tried once more to back up into the wall. "Noises? What noises?" He could not possibly be speaking of what I thought. Killing a dark blush that was threatening my face, I forced my gaze to meet his.

Making a face, he took a step closer to me. "Shit, you know what noises." He paused for a moment, shaking his head and thinking. "Two men... not like I haven't seen it before, but it's fucking different for some reason with you two." He paused for a moment as though a thought had entered his mind. A strange look crossed his face for a moment, as though something had just struck him. "I mean, shit, which one of you is the girl? Or do you take turns?"

If my eyes could have gotten any wider without bursting, they would have, but as it was, I simply prayed that I could disappear into the wall. I doubt he even knew how close to home his questions were hitting, but to me they were too much like well-aimed arrows. And I was their target. My feet nearly slipped out from beneath me as I shifted them about on the slick snow. Seeing no other escape route, I turned my eyes up to him and spoke, my voice serious. "I am." I watched his eyes widen.

"Shit..." he whispered in disbelief. "Would've thought that was the other fucking way around."

"What's the other way around?" A soft high-pitched voice came through the stillness of the air and Chiriko stepped into view just behind the bandit. I paled.

"Their sex life," Tasuki remarked casually. Had I been any less mortified I would have strangled him. But all I could do was stand there wishing I could hide or run... or both.

"Whose sex life no da?" The blue-haired monk appeared off to the side of Chiriko, his staff tracing a line in the snow, marking his passing.

"The emperor's and Nuriko's," Tasuki informed him, flashing me a sadistic grin. My face colored furiously.

Chichiri's normal grin widened a bit. "Oh no da? What about it no da?" I couldn't believe this. This was not happening. It was some sort of nightmare. But if it were a dream, it was a painfully vivid one. I could do nothing but stare at them, watching them talk about me, discussing what I considered to be quite private. A silent shadow entered the fringes of the group unnoticed by all save myself. Mitsukake stood quietly behind everyone, listening and watching.

Tasuki, a morbidly curious grin on his face, turned his eyes to Chichiri. "Well, I was asking Hotohori here... when they do each other, who's the guy and who's the girl?"

Tamahome chose this moment to walk up to the small group. Chiriko's wide eyes turned to him. "Tamahome-san, where's miko-sama?" he piped up. Hope exploded inside of me. The conversation was changing. And Nuriko could not possibly take much more time inside. Perhaps I had escaped!

"Miaka is inside, talking to Nuriko about something... they could be a while." My heart fell slightly. As quietly as possible, I attempted to inch away from them, keeping my back pressed up against the wall.

Not willing to let the subject die, Chichiri glanced at me, the expression on his face twisting evilly, mirroring the smirk on Tasuki's face. "So what was his answer no da?" I had not expected this from Chichiri. The older man was usually much more mature, much more reserved and tactful. But obviously, the monk was in an odd mood, perhaps influenced by the bandit.

"Answer to what?" Tamahome asked, throwing a strange glance my way. Perhaps he was confused as to why I was hugging the wall as though it were my only life-line.

"Well, I had asked Hotohori when he and Nuriko do it, who's the girl?" Tasuki explained, his voice gleeful. He grinned at the shocked expression on Tamahome's face.

"Wh... what's the answer?" Tamahome asked, taking a step back, his face horrified. I knew how he felt, although I did not understand why he was the one who looked so upset. It was not his private life they were discussing in the open in front of him. It was mine. I could feel the lump of tears begin in my throat, but I held it down. It would be foolish to cry, especially in front of them. They did not mean to be malevolent. They had no idea how hard their joking was hitting, how frightening it was. How hard it was to listen to.

Tasuki shrugged nonchalantly and threw an evil look my way. "Well, heika, what's your answer? Who's the fucking girl in bed?" He very nearly cackled.

Still wishing I could melt into the snow that had settled at my feet, I spoke, my eyes trained on the ground. "I am," I answered again, quietly.

Tamahome choked and stared. Managing not to cough, Chichiri just looked at me. Chiriko blinked confused, his eyes wide and his child's face questioning. "Yeah, surprised the shit out of me too," Tasuki informed them. I kept my eyes focused on the ground. I knew then how a deer feels when it is caught in the sight of a hunter's arrow, unable to flee. I was horrified.

Suddenly, from his place in the silent backdrop in the scene of this nightmare, Mitsukake began chuckling, a low deep rumbling noise that sounded, at best, strange to the ear. I did not remember ever hearing the healer laugh before. His eyes met mine again and another laugh escaped, an ironic soft laugh.

"Mitsukake-san are you all right?" Chiriko asked, his young voice concerned.

Halfway composed, Mitsukake nodded. "Hai, hai... I'm fine. But don't you think it unwise to talk about the emperor like this right in front of him?" He glanced over their heads to me, giving me a small smile in attempts to reassure me.

The wind picked up again, sending the powdery snow up in glistening swirls that chilled the skin and dazzled the eyes in their airy radiance. I kept my eyes focused on the snow, feeling so lost. Where was Nuriko? He would know how to deal with this.

Tasuki's face crinkled up, his fangs showing. "Shit, maybe, but I'm fucking curious!" he whined loudly.

"Curious about what?" A familiar welcome voice met my ears and I turned grateful eyes to see Nuriko standing not far off, a inquisitive smile on his face.

This time the bandit paled and began backing away, trying to meld into the group the others had formed around me.

Chichiri threw a grin at Nuriko. "Your sex life no da!!" he said brightly, helpfully.

Nuriko blinked for a moment in surprise, his face mirroring mine, but only for an instant. A slow evil grin began spreading across his face. "I see..." he began. "What about it?"

A small frightened voice piped up from somewhere behind Mitsukake. "Which one of you is the girl in bed!!"

I cringed again. Nuriko laughed for a moment and then went completely serious, the laughter falling from his lips and being replaced by a smirkish smile. He walked over to me smoothly and slipped an arm around my waist, pulling me towards him. "Well, he is, of course." The evil grin grew darker as he watched the others. "Would you like a demonstration...?" I paled again, looking over at him.

Tasuki, from somewhere behind Mitsukake, fell into a violent fit of coughing. Tamahome backed away slightly. "I... I'm gonna go get Miaka... ja..." He was suddenly gone, the inn door slamming shut behind him.

Nuriko laughed again and turned his gaze to me. "Shall we go, my love?" He grinned at me, seeming to enjoy every moment of this.

Provided an excuse for making an escape, I nodded vehemently. Taking his hand tightly in mine, I took off at a pace that was just short of a run, my footsteps leaving small imprints in the snowy ground. I pulled Nuriko after me quickly, needing to be away from the questioning eyes of the others.

Before we were out of sight, Nuriko turned back, and with his free hand, blew a kiss to Tasuki, winking at him. Chuckling evilly to himself, he turned back around to face our present path. We turned a corner and were out of sight.

The growling that met my ears was unlike anything I had ever heard before. It was like an animal, but almost intelligent, as if it had a prey and was searching for it. It was still far off, but it was not a reassuring sound.

Hotohori and I had wandered off aimlessly until I had discovered a monument with Genbu at the top. That was when Miaka and Tamahome had nearly run into us.

Ancient characters... I certainly could not read them, but it appeared that no one else could either. The lettering on the monument had not been used for two hundred years. Only scholars could read it now.

Though Hotohori had been schooled when she was younger, she had not learned this script. But then there had been an offer from a young man to take one of us to a scholar who could read it, the man's father. A villager had stopped us for a moment, warning us that neither of the two were to be trusted.

Tamahome decided that the ladies should wait at the monument for him. Hotohori just looked at him, her face pale and strained. Miaka was worried, not wanting him to go alone. I simply glared furiously. I was not a lady.

Waiting would have been boring had Miaka and Hotohori not been there. As it was, Hotohori simply clung to my hand. What had they said to her? I asked, but she just shook her head. I sighed, worried, ready to kill Tasuki if he had hurt her. The bandit was a nice guy, but he could be such an idiot.

And we waited...

Hotohori excused herself to go relieve herself. I made a comment under my breath about pregnant women and she heard me and glared. I gave her a sunny smile and watched as she strode away.

"Tamahome's late..." Miaka said, leaning her head back against the stone of the monument.

"What are you saying? You just said that a minute ago!" I turned, giving her an odd look. But I was worried too. It wasn't like Tama-chan to be lax about his duties. I sighed, moving back to where I had been sitting. She did have a right to be anxious.

"Hey, Nuriko..." she said quietly, gently. I did not move. She was suddenly so serious. Another question about Tamahome? "He makes you happy, doesn't he?"

I blinked, not having expected that question. "Hotohori?"

"Yeah." I could hear her shift her weight slightly, trying to get comfortable, echoing faintly against the stone.

I shut my eyes, leaning my head back, allowing a small smile to take rest on my face. "Yes... yes, he does. He's the most wonderful, sweetest, kindest person I have ever known." It had been getting easier to remember to say "he." I had spent enough time around the others to make it a habit. But I would never forget the difference.

"Good," she said quietly. "I'm glad... but I can't help wondering sometimes..." She let her voice trail off.

I blinked my eyes open. The tone in her voice had sounded... wistful...? "Yes?"

She sighed softly. "Well... Hotohori loved me. What if I had picked him over Tamahome?"

Wrapping my arms around myself, over my chest, hugging in the heat, I left my voice low. "Well... then you would have been empress."

"And unhappy," she finished.

I blinked again. Her voice was so strong, so sure.

"I love Tamahome," she continued, "and you love Hotohori. I think both of us always have. I'm glad that I don't love Hotohori... because then you would have been sad."

Sad? When I thought that she truly wanted Hotohori, in the forest right before her evil shadow had told them all my secret, I had not been sad. Furious, hurt, miserable, torn completely apart inside... sad was not large enough to cover it all. "Hai," I agreed, listening to the way everything resounded in the snow-caked village.

She giggled suddenly. "And you're so cute when you look at him!"

"Ah, you just realized my special appeal," I said, thankful to the switch to the light mood. What would have happened had Hotohori never fallen in love with me? I didn't want to think about it.

"Geez, if I praise you, you get cocky!" The look she gave me was a little wary and mostly unbelieving.

"What do you mean?" I gave her a mock glare.

She just met my gaze. We both laughed at each other a moment. I was glad. Miaka was a good friend. I hadn't had any for a long time before I was a seishi.

It was quiet again a moment until she made a little noise, almost of pain. "What's wrong, Miaka?" I asked, turning to her. Could it be a Seiryuu spell? Did she need to go inside to warm up? I certainly wanted to, but at least my warmer coat helped some. "Cold?"

And Hotohori still was not back. She must have gotten into a conversation with someone.

"No... the chills..." Her voice was faint.

"Chills?" I asked, a bit unsure what she meant.

"I'm worried about Tamahome," she said, her arms pulled tightly to her. "I'll go check on him." She stood and began to walk off.

"Ah, Miaka!" I called after her. "We have to wait for Hotohori!!"

That was when the deep, harsh voice ripped through the stillness, destroying the peaceful tranquillity of the morning like thunder in the dead of night. "Suzaku no Miko."

She turned, almost in slow motion.

"I'll kill you!!" the voice hissed.

I leapt from my place toward her, reaching an arm out to her. I had to protect her! "MIAKA!!!"


I felt myself land on something warm and breathing, felt my own breath, felt something rip a jagged hole in my arm. Too many sensations demanded my attention all at once. I prayed that Hotohori was still away, not seeing this, not in danger. "Miaka!"

We rolled, landing in the snow, which mostly cushioned our fall. My hair flew out behind me, loosed of its braid by the same claw that had torn my arm. I remained face down in the snow a second, breathing, making sure I was alive. "Nuriko!!" Miaka's frightened voice suddenly broke into my consciousness. Yes. Miaka. I had to protect my miko.

Terrified voices of villagers swarmed into my concentration. I had to help.

"Nuriko, Nuriko, look, look, look!!" Miaka cried out, the fear thick in her high voice.

I managed to pull myself upright, holding onto my shoulder. He would not touch her. "A Seiryuu seishi!" Spots of my own blood danced in scarlet patterns across the snow where I had fallen.

"Old men don't taste good..." the creature growled. Had he been eating a human? Was that the blood I saw on his face? "Next, you two."

Miaka was wailing. I did not need this. "I left my stuff with Chichiri!!"

And he started to charge.

Sudden inspiration lit up my eyes. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the flare that Chiriko had given to Hotohori and I. As he lunged for us, I pulled back the string at the end, setting off the flare in his face.

He screamed. I could smell the stink of burning flesh already. Ready to still fight if I needed to, I waited, but he turned, running off out of the town.

"Not bad, Nuriko," Miaka said in a hushed voice. "You ran him off!"

"Chiriko's flare worked in an unexpected way," I said, pleased with myself. And Hotohori had not been around. She had not gotten hurt. Miaka was safe as well. I had protected her. And then the pain shot up my arm, awareness of the injury shocking itself into my nerves.

"Nuriko, is it bad?" my miko ask worriedly. "Are you all right?"

We sat back down at the monument, my right hand, the good one, pressed to the wound, staunching the blood flow. I did not need to be weak when we had so much to do.

It was a few moments later that I saw Hotohori coming back. She looked a little tired, but her glorious face was wonderful to see. I hoped that she wouldn't be upset when she saw I had gotten hurt. She was under enough stress. She shouldn't have to worry about me.

The wind was still blowing, although its chill was not as stinging as it had been, and the snow no longer fell. Instead, it was lying in the peaceful, undisturbed sheet of white. This truly was a beautiful country, perhaps a bit monotonous, but beautiful. The town seemed asleep in the snow, save for a stray person or two who had taken it upon themselves to brave the chill of the air. The others would be waiting for me, I was sure. Tamahome must have been back by now. I had not meant to take so long, but I had stopped at an inn, and had managed to secure us room and board for the night. We would be needing that soon.

I came upon them, exactly where I had left them, and smiled as they caught sight of me. Tamahome was not yet with them. Nuriko gave me a small grin as I stopped in front of them. "You have good timing."

Off to the side of Nuriko, her brown eyes wide and excited, Miaka piped up. "You missed Nuriko being all heroic!!" A glare passed from Nuriko to her. I was missing something.

I blinked. "Heroic?" It was then I caught sight of the blood that had begun to stain the fabric of his clothes. His hand lay over the wound, cradling it, but still the blood had seeped from below his fingers. "What happened? Are you all right?" I glanced at the both of them, suddenly afraid for them.

A small quiet sigh escaped Nuriko's lips. "It's all right now... just a Seiryuu seishi. He's gone now." I bit my lip. A Seiryuu seishi. So they were here as well.

Miaka nodded in affirmation with Nuriko. "Nuriko saved me! He was great!" Her voice was clear, but after a moment she subdued. "But he wasted your flare..."

Managing a small smile at her, I shrugged slightly. Why hadn't I been here with them when they were attacked? I should not have left them. "Well... a flare we can deal without. I'm just glad you're both safe." Safe. Thank the gods. If they had been hurt... but Nuriko was hurt. I bit my lip and took a step closer to him, my arms crossed over my chest, hugging myself to try and ward off the silent chill of the air. "You're bleeding..."

A cheerful smile flashed across his face. "It'll be all right. It's just a little scratch. We only have to wrap it." He was lying, of course. It hurt him- I could see that in his eyes and in the way he cradled the injury with his other hand.

"No, it looks pretty deep, Nuriko..." Miaka said matter-of-factly, her bright face darkening slightly and crinkling as she looked at the cut on his arm. Nuriko sent another glare at her, brows lowered, eyes narrowed.

"Ne, Nuriko," I began quietly, watching him closely. His skin seemed even paler in the cold of the snow, but a soft red glow touched his cheeks where the chill in the air had placed it. His hair fell around his face, loosed, I'd imagine, during the battle, making it seem as though he were hiding inside a violet cape. And beneath his hand, only partially hidden, a stain of blood from his injury. "Miaka's probably right... let me look at it...?"

He sighed again softly, the sigh, for one moment, being given solid form in the shape of a misty cloud that slowly faded away into the snowy air. Miaka moved over so I could sit beside him. Carefully, moving his hand out of the way, I looked at the cut in his skin below the torn fabric. It was still bleeding, but looked to be slowing. Miaka had been wrong- it was not very deep, but it was jaggedly cut, made by something other than a weapon. Almost as though an animal... "It looks like it was done by some sort of claw," I said quietly, moving my eyes to his face.

His voice was quiet, hushed. "Yes... it was." His eyes would not meet mine; instead they gazed off into the cloudy distance.

Still biting my lip, I glanced from him to Miaka and back. I should have been here. I should not have left Nuriko alone with the miko, after Tamahome had already left. It was too dangerous, foolish. Miaka was a target of the Seiryuu side, a welcome invitation to attack. "It isn't bad... but it needs to be cleaned..." I said, taking my hand away from his bleeding arm.

For the third time that afternoon, he sighed, but gave me a small, slight grin. "Well, we can do that after Tamahome comes back..."

At his words, Miaka rose to her feet, her green eyes worried. "That's right! Tamahome!!" The concern on her face resurfaced anew.

I nodded, casting my gaze to Miaka. It was strange that Tamahome was not back yet. It was not like him to be late, and certainly not where Miaka was concerned. "I'm sure he'll be here soon... it's easy to get turned around in this city... or perhaps he ran into one of the others..." That must have been it. Perhaps Chichiri or Tasuki. They were all wandering around somewhere. The city was large and there were so many twists and turns that getting lost was actually quite easy. My attempt at optimism fizzled at that point and I went silent.

"No, I'm sure he's fine," Nuriko said, smiling at the two of us. "Trust me." He stood as well, beside Miaka, leaving me the only one seated. I watched as he stretched, but quickly stopped, wincing as the pain in his arm worsened with the movement.

Her voice still worried, Miaka nodded absently. "All right..."

The silence that settled over us was eerie, too still. It whispered of things to come, of darkness, of fear. I shivered. My mind was trying to run away with me again. Sighing, I shook my head and spoke, trifle conversation. "I managed to get us a room at an inn..."

Miaka's eyes were distant and she did not seem to hear my voice nor register my words.

"Oh?" Nuriko glanced up at the sky. In the advancing twilight, the clouds had turned a deep shade of violet, a color they had no doubt stolen from his eyes. "I hadn't realized how late it had gotten..." he said, trailing off.

I nodded vaguely, shivering again slightly. "Hai... darkness comes quicker this far north..." I turned my eyes to the dusky expanse of the sky as well. It was true. Night in these parts seemed to sneak up on you and then stay, lying like a blanket across the land, but bringing with it no warmth.

His hand was still held over his bleeding arm. "Mm... I'm suddenly hungry," he announced.

Roused from her thoughts, Miaka grinned. "Me too!" she agreed, and her stomach joined in as well with a small noise of affirmation. She and Nuriko looked at each other and laughed. I simply shook my head at the two of them, smiling despite myself.

Nuriko stepped back and sat down beside me, but this time with his unhurt arm facing me. He slipped it around my shoulders. "I'm just glad you're all right."

I smiled, leaning against him carefully, lightly, remembering his injury. But in the blowing wind and oncoming darkness, it was nice just to be close to him, to feel something constant. "Of course I'm all right... I wasn't the one fighting to protect Miaka... " My face grew serious at my words. "I should have been here..." I should have been here to protect my miko... and the one I loved.

He gave me a small smile in return. "Then I would have had too many people to worry about."

I managed a faint smile back at him, trying to mask other emotions, the cold feeling of fear I had felt when I had been unsure if he were hurt, the sense of failure that I had not been here to help. I watched the snow swirl at my feet silently.

He spoke suddenly a moment later, his voice curious. "Ne... what were they all talking about this morning?"

Off to our side, Miaka yawned and wandered over to the shrine, her eyes narrowed in concentration as she tried to read the writing.

I flushed furiously, lowering my widened eyes to watch my hands. I had almost managed to push that from my mind. "This morning..." I was still unsure why it had bothered me so much, their teasing. I should not have taken it as seriously as I had, and yet...

Pulling away from me, he looked at me, his dark eyes worried. "What did they say to you?" His brows lowered as he studied my face.

Giving him a shaky smile, I shook my head, embarrassed at myself for acting so foolish. "Nothing... it was all just silly teasing, really... just..."

"It obviously upset you badly for such casual teasing." His voice was quiet, serious, matching his eyes.

"I'm just not used to it... that's all..." I glanced at Miaka, wondering if she was listening. Slowly, I turned my gaze back to Nuriko. Darkness was still approaching, creeping across the land like some sort of predator. "Well... you heard what they said when you came out... it was all mostly like that..."

He looked away, not meeting my eyes. "I'm sorry..." His voice was low, sad.

"Mmm... this character reminds me of ice cream..." Miaka's soft voice floated across the evening as she spoke to herself, her eyes trained on the ancient writing that adorned the walls of the shrine.

I shook my head slightly, partly at Miaka's comment and partly at his apology. "Why are you sorry?" Pushing my loose hair back, I watched him through the twilight.

"I'm sure I encouraged them... I should have known you would take it hard." He was still not looking up, refusing to meet my gaze.

Reaching out to take his hand, I shook my head. "No." His hand was so cold, even colder than the air around us. I smiled at him. "Just they were hitting pretty close to the mark... asking which one of us was the girl... in bed..." Gods, they had no idea just how close they were hitting, how they were dancing around the truth with their jokes.
Finally, he looked up at me, his eyes and face still a little worried, but a faint smile came to his lips.

"Ah!!" Miaka's voice came in a small exclamation.

I glanced around. "Miaka? What is it?" It was difficult to tell if the cry was a cry of pain or surprise.

Her mournful voice came from the other side of the monument. "I slipped and fell..."

Nuriko hid a smile and pulled away from my hand, his own hand going immediately to his wound. He walked around the monument towards Miaka. I followed after him, watching the dents my footsteps made in the snow beside his. "Are you all right Miaka?" It was then that the snowball came out of nowhere and landed in my face and my vision was blurred by a sudden explosion of white.

Nuriko blinked for a moment before breaking into a peal of laughter.

I blinked as well for a minute before reaching a hand up to wipe the snow from my face. It was cold and in places it stung, but it took everything I had not to laugh. Managing to keep something that resembled a straight face, I turned my eyes to Miaka. "Ahh... I see..." Slowly, keeping my eyes focused on Miaka, I bent down and picked up a handful of snow, shaping the crystalline flakes into a ball. I straightened up. "Since you're my miko, I'll give you three seconds..."

Her eyes widened and a small high-pitched squeak, like a frightened bird, came out. She fled behind Nuriko, using him as a barrier between us. Nuriko turned slightly, trying to move from in front of her. Not overly pleased about being used as a human shield, he tried to escape her again. "Oi!! Hide somewhere else!!"

"No!" Her voice piped up from behind him defiantly.

I laughed slightly, not planning on showing any mercy just because she had a hostage. "Nuriko..." I lobbed the snow ball at them. "Duck!"

He did not duck and the snow ball struck him in the center of his chest. Glaring at me menacingly, he began methodically scooping snow into his good hand. I was busy watching him warily. I never noticed the second snowball. Seeming to take on a life of its own, it came from behind Nuriko and crashed into my shoulder. I heard a small giggle from behind Nuriko and Miaka's face peeked out, grinning evily. I retreated to the other side of the shrine as quickly as I could, nearly slipping on the icy ground.

"Oi..." I heard Nuriko's muffled protest and then a high-pitched giggle from Miaka. She came around the other side, still laughing. Choosing a snow ball from the small pile I had hastily begun, I lobbed it at her, managing to land it in the center of her chest.

"Ah!!" She squeaked as her feet fell out from beneath her and she landed in the snow. Her eyes raised to me in a pitiful pleading look. Grinning, I walked over to her and offered a hand to help her up. "We're even now, ne?"

She grinned back at me. "True." Nuriko must still have been around the other side of the monument. I wondered briefly if I should be worried. Miaka took my hand and I began pulling her up, when, from out of nowhere, a snowball flew and landed in my hair, dripping down my back in a cold slushy stream. I whirled about, dropping Miaka's hand. She fell to the ground with another small noise. My eyes searched the clear expanse of white for my assailant and caught sight of a quick flash of purple as he disappeared behind the monument.

"Nuriko!!!" Miaka exclaimed, rising carefully to her feet- by herself this time. She began stalking towards the stone shrine, obviously blaming him for her fall and not me.

A pile of snow gathered in his arms, Nuriko stepped out from behind the monument. Miaka stopped dead in her tracks and I stepped back. But this time neither of us were his intended targets. "Tamahome!" he shouted, pleased, and tossed the entire bundle of snow at our newly returned friend.

Miaka spun about, nearly losing her tentative balance again. "Tamahome!" she greeted him happily, the worry vanishing from her eyes, blown away by a quick breeze of relief.

"Welcome back, Tamahome..." I said, grinning, running a hand through my hair to remove some of the half-melted snow that still sat there.

"Nuriko!!! Damn you!!!!" Tamahome growled, trying to free himself from the snow that had swarmed about him at Nuriko's hands. His normally dark hair was peppered now with a spray of brilliant white.

Miaka attached herself to him, happy that he was back, that he was safe. The relief was nearly written on her face. "Tamahome!!" He glanced down at her, a strange distant look in his eyes, before managing a small silent smile at her.

Nuriko flashed him a cute grin and wandered over to me, looking smug and quite pleased with himself. I smiled at him slightly, in a much better mood now despite my wet hair and the cold trail of melted snow that ran down my back.

I felt Nuriko glance up at me. "You were saying you had gotten an inn...?"

Tamahome was still sulking, sparing a moment every now and then to glare at Nuriko unhappily before going back to pouting. Miaka, for her part, simply looked happy that he had returned.

I nodded. "Hai... it's not far from here..." Which was a good thing. Darkness had crept closer during our snow battle, and small flickering candle lights appeared in a few of the windows and doorways of the buildings. What few people had walked the streets earlier in the day were gone now, retreated inside to the warmth of a fire and blankets- save for us. And I was quite eager to disappear into the warm walls of an inn for the night as well. Trying not to shiver, I smirked slightly at Miaka and Nuriko. "They'll feed us too."

A quick look passed between the two of them, Miaka's face mirroring the delighted evil grin that Nuriko's face had taken on. "Let's go!!" We set off down the dusky streets, our feet moving lightly, quickly, over the cold crystal snow, leaving small prints that were minutes later erased by a quick breeze that consumed all evidence of our passing.

They were both being complete idiots. I was impressed. I had known Tama could be dense, but this was a little ridiculous.

I was sitting at the small table in the room the four of us were to share, Tamahome to my left, Miaka to my right, and Hotohori across from me. I was studying the two younger members of our expedition, sighing softly to myself, drinking the tea that I had prepared.

"Where are you really from?" Tamahome suddenly burst out as Miaka said, "What's with you?"

It was delicious tea. I set my glass down when I had finished, pleased. Almost fit for an emperor. But I noticed she wasn't drinking hers. She was just watching them.

Tamahome stood, his movements jerky. "Never mind... I need a drink." Miaka watched him silently. I could see how upset she was just by looking at her eyes. Couldn't he see what he was doing to her? I glanced at Hotohori, a little curious as to what she thought. Tamahome disappeared out the door, his feet hastening down the stairs.

Hotohori shook her head, looking a bit unsure, then tilted her head toward me slightly. Understanding immediately what she meant, I stood as well, sighing again.

I glanced at Miaka, giving her a little half-smile. "Just leave it to me." I then left, following Tamahome's path out the door and down the stairs.

I spotted him at a separate table and trotted over to him. I reached out my right hand, just my index finger, and poked his head. "Ta-ma-ho-me!"

His head shot forward and landed in his bowl. I blinked. "All I did was tap a little!!"

"When are you going to understand that your little is different from most people's??" He glared at me, frustrated, after picking his face out of the bowl.

Smiling slightly, I seated myself beside him. "Anyway, Tama-chan, what are you muddling over all by yourself?"

"Shut up," he said, not looking at me.

I gave him a pout, a little offended. "You get mad so easily! You're just like a little kid."

"Give me a break," he muttered. Did he really think he was the only one with stress? Who, after all, had been injured protecting Miaka today?

"Hey, sir!" I called to the bartender, who moved over to our table. "Mix me one part Saichu, three parts Laochu, and four parts Soukoushu." I paused, noting I was hungry too. "And a wonton and some vegetables." I had to watch my weight. No sense in spoiling the empress and wasting what exercise he was getting here.

He nodded assent and walked off to do it.

"What's the matter?" I asked Tamahome, turning my attention back to him.

I gestured with my hand, my bracelets sliding down my wrist. "Didn't you want to say something to Miaka earlier?" I smirked. "If you're so indecisive, someone's going to take Miaka from you."

"Huh?" he asked me, looking puzzled.

"Here you go!" the bartender announced as he returned. "A mix of Saichu, Laochu, and Soukoushu." He handed it to me and I smiled at him. "Thanks," I said, accepting it.

"What is that?" Tamahome asked, peering into my cup.

"It's a Nuriko special... try it." I handed the glass to him. My father had liked to create interesting drinks whenever he could. He could never be satisfied by just going to the bar and ordering like everyone else. I smiled, remembering. This had been the drink he had named after me, when I was small, before Kourin had died.

"Thanks," Tama said, echoing me. He took it from me and tentatively took a sip. "So who would take her?"

I twisted a wry smile. "Like... like me."

He suddenly choked on the drink, spitting about half of it out.

"Don't drink it so fast," I reprimanded him, pleased at the reaction I had gotten.

"But you're gay!!" he exclaimed, staring at me.

I gave him a slight smile. "And happily married." I paused, glancing down to my shimmering bracelets. "It was just an example. But you almost lost her to Hotohori in the beginning. You can't be so careless."

His mood changed to serious as well. "You're right."

I reached over him and took my drink back. "That's not for children, you know."

He glared. "I'm not a child."

I laughed quietly. I knew Miaka and Tamahome would be all right. A slight form suddenly materialized at my elbow. I turned my eyes up to my wife, smiling brightly at her. "Hello. Would you like one too?"

She gave me a curious look. "One what?"

I grinned. "Nuriko Special."

She laughed. "Ah, of course... a Nuriko special..." Her smiled faded a bit. "Thanks... but I can't drink..."

I had forgotten. I pursed my lips. "I knew that..."

"Why?" Tamahome asked curiously.

She just looked at him and smiled flatly, her tone ironic. "I'm pregnant."

I choked in the midst of sipping my drink. She had told!! What was she thinking??

But Tamahome laughed cheerily. "Well, you're the girl in bed! It makes sense!"

She smiled at Tamahome and nodded. "Of course."

Well, at least she wasn't taking the jokes as hard.

Hotohori lightly patted my back. "Smaller sips, my love." Her words nearly dripped with sarcasm.

I gave her a dirty look, but listened to her words. My love... I think I was glowing. "Going to sit?"

Tamahome nodded. "Yeah, Hotohori-sama. There's room."

She nodded again and sat beside me. "I didn't interrupt anything, did I?"

I fought the urge to turn and smirk at Tamahome. He, however, glared at me. "Of course not."

For my part, I rested on my elbow, smiling, silent, content, watching her.

She gave me a small smile back, studying me. "Good..." It seemed as if she had just remembered again that Tama was there, for she looked up at him. "Miaka kicked me out of the room. She's changing for bed."

"Oh..." he said, and his expression turned jealous. "Good."

I was still smiling up at her, my head resting on my hand. She was so beautiful...

She gave him a dark look. They had never really gotten along, but I was too glad that she was here to worry about that tonight. "Hai..."

I was completely pleased. "Mm..." I agreed non-committally.

"Ne... Hotohori-sama..." Tamahome started, looking a bit away from us.

Her eyes lifted to him, away from me. "Hai, Tamahome?"

He was frowning slightly. "You've given up... right? On her?"

A little startled out of my reverie, I turned, looking away from her to him.

She blinked. "Tamahome... I'm married and in love with Nuriko..." A little frown rested on her sweet face.

Watching her closely, he simply nodded. I moved back to how I was, smiling at her again, blissful. She loved me... she loved me... Would I ever take that for granted? I certainly hoped not.

She smiled again at me, a bit unsure, but then looked at Tamahome, watching him a moment, almost curiously.

Tama suddenly stood up. "We should sleep then."

His words seemed to me to be in a mist, a fog, not really penetrating into my brain. "Mm..." I agreed again, gazing at her happily.

She nodded. "Hai... we need to search again tomorrow..."

"Well, I'll go get settled in then..." His footsteps pounded up the stairs, lightening as the got to the top. The door to our room creaked open and I heard it shut. All of this was outside of my real knowledge. I had other things to think about.

She glanced at me now that Tama was gone. "Ne... are you all right? You're awfully quiet..."

I suppose I had been, but when important thoughts, such as how much I loved her, burst into my mind, it did not seem as important to talk to Tamahome about drinks and other trivial matters. I reached out my good arm to her, touching her cheek lightly, smiling still. "You're so beautiful..."

"Was that what you were thinking all this time?" she asked me, smiling back.

"Mm..." I said for the third time the night, still smiling at her blissfully.

The bartender returned to the table, dropping off my vegetables and my wonton and glancing down at us. "Would you like drink for the lady too?"

Normally I would have protested that she was a man, but tonight everything was just too wonderful. "No... she's pregnant..." My eyes did not stray from her.

She blinked, a bit surprised, and then quirked the man a nervous smile. She looked back at me as the man walked away. Her face was wary, as if she thought I might be drunk. With a slight smile on my face, completely sober- at least, not intoxicated because of alcohol- I finished my drink and stood. I turned slightly, holding out a hand to her.

She took my hand and I helped her up. "Are you going to tell me why you're in such a good mood?"

I lifted her delicate hand to my lips, kissing it softly. "Yes."

She laughed as I lowered her hand. "Are you going to tell me soon?"

I paused a moment, thinking. "Maybe."

She shook her head. I knew she was not annoyed because she was trying to keep back laughter. "Maybe... ahh... I see."

I gave her a little grin and pulled her quickly into the place behind the stairs. It was dark here, and empty, and not many people, if any, could see us here. I looked up at her, straining my eyes in the dark to make out the ivory of her skin, the shine of her eyes. I stepped toward her, putting my arms around her, hugging her tightly, silent.

She hugged me back, just as tightly, seeming confused. "Nuriko?" Her soft voice was questioning.

I didn't want to worry her any more. I would just live for her, to make her happy. For now, I had other duties- those of a seishi- but when Miaka called Suzaku, as soon as we ascended that mountain tomorrow morning, I could concentrate only on her. I was so happy. "I love you."

She was smiling. I could hear it in her voice. "I love you too..."

I looked up at her, but not as much as I used to. I insisted on wearing the boots that Akito had given me. A little amused, she had agreed to wear regular shoes. I felt shy for some reason. "Ne... kiss me?"

She blinked, the reflection of light in her eyes vanishing for a moment. "Kiss you?" With that, she leaned down and did so.

It was a tender kiss, again not the type one would give to a friend. It didn't demand anything, but promised everything, a vow. It swore faithfulness and kindness and sweetness and gentleness, absolute love. I kissed back, trying to say the same things to her wordlessly, that I would live for her, that I loved her. Everything that I was existed for her.

I pulled slightly away from her, raising my eyes, smiling. I was so happy. Now would be the time.

I reached into the pouch I had kept at my side. I could feel her watching me, seeking my eyes in the darkness. Finally, my fingers came to rest on what I had been looking for amid the change that I had kept there, my prize from the weight-lifting contest. I was having trouble pulling it out, fumbling with the pouch to get it open, but I managed after a moment. I took her hand in my free one, and with only a little difficulty, slid onto her finger the simple silver ring I had purchased.

I coughed, a little embarrassed. “I stole one of your rings to get the size...” My eyes widened as I heard the connotations to that. “But I put it back!!” I exclaimed hurriedly.

She smiled at me, her eyes lowered to the ring, and then she raised them to me again. “It's beautiful...”

I still felt embarrassed. “I got one for me too... that way we match.” I looked up at her shyly. “I hope you like it.”

She leaned over and touched her lips to my cheek gently. “I love it... thank you.”

I smiled again, completely pleased. My previous playfulness returned "All right. We can go to bed now." I gave her a quick grin and dashed out from behind the stairs, quickly grabbing the wonton off the plate, then running up the stairs in the next second, teasingly leaving her behind.

I glanced back once to see her shake her head slightly, amused, and then she followed me slowly up the stairs to the room.

The sun had risen that morning in a barrage of brilliant colors I had not yet seen in this country. The crimsons and scarlets reflected off the snow, like a kaleidoscope or prism, sending rays of beautiful shining colors everywhere. It was breathtaking in its flagrant beauty, but also rather ominous. Sunrises of that color typically foreboded coming storms and foul weather. And just the intensity of the reds that flooded the sky made it appear as though the rising sun was bleeding, dying, even before it reached the sky.

We were climbing up the mountain, Nuriko and myself. Miaka and Tamahome had gone in search of the others to bring them to the mountain. Meanwhile, we would search for the shinzahou and shoot off the flare when we found it. I had managed to convince Tamahome to give us his flare, since ours had already been expended. And so we walked the steep icy trails, somehow managing, for the most part, to keep our footing. The sky was still surprisingly clear. Perhaps the dawn's colorful warning had not been true.

"It's so cold..." Nuriko said, shivering even inside his coat. He hugged his arms around him, trying to hide from the chill.

I smiled at him, a slight smile. He was right; it was cold. "Gomen... we'll be quick, ne? Get back to the warm inn as fast as we can..." I was looking forward to getting out of the icy morning and away from the gusting wind that seemed intent on driving us back down the mountain.

"I hope so." He glanced up, his eyes catching sight of a rather large boulder that rested in front of a huge door. "Is that it...?" It was huge, massive, looking as though it had been fashioned by something greater than human. The boulder set in front of it was equally forbidding, too massive to even think about moving. "It looks right..."

"Hai... " I nodded slowly, not moving my eyes from the door as we finished the walk towards it. I stopped some meters away from it and looked to Nuriko.

He walked over to the boulder, glancing up at it. "It's good that I came..." He, of course, could move the enormous stone as though it weighed nothing, if he wished to. The grin on my face froze and fell as a low growl rumbled across the quiet air of the mountain. It seemed as though the wind had stilled, that all life, all sound, had suddenly stopped, vanished, save for that one menacing sound.

Slowly, almost as though he did not want to see but was forced to, Nuriko turned his head, his eyes widening and focusing on something behind him... behind me. "Hotohori... you need to move." His voice was hushed, urgent, and his eyes did not waver from what he was staring at.

I glanced at Nuriko and slowly turned around, my hand straying to the handle of my sword. Behind me stood a large menacing creature... not quite human... but so close. Reminiscent of some monstrous nightmare given form, perhaps a demon from beyond the reaches of our world, the creature opened its mouth and growled again lowly. Its eyes, in a face scarred by fire, narrowed and focused on us. And in that moment, I knew. It was the Seiryuu seishi that had attacked Nuriko and Miaka yesterday.

Nuriko stepped forward, pushing me behind him, out of the way. Still too stunned by the creature, I did not stop him, but rather tightened my grip around my sword, waiting for the thing to attack, waiting for the inevitable fight to begin.

The thing in front of us opened its mouth and spoke- human speech. "I'll torture you, kill you, eat you, and shit you out!! Then I'll do the same to the other Suzaku seishi and to your miko!!"

His gaze darkening, Nuriko clenched his fists at his side, readying himself. Without turning to look at me, he spoke his voice calm, level. Too calm. "Hotohori... please stay back."

I raised my sword, readying it in a defensive position, and did not answer him. I would not let him fight this alone. This... thing... looked far too strong, too dangerous. I felt my muscles tense, my heart quicken, as the rush of adrenaline that always arrived before a fight came.

A small glow flashed from Nuriko's wrists as his bracelets grew. "Come on then!!" he yelled, challenging the creature.

A piercing shriek cut through the morning as the creature screamed in rage, sounding like a million angry souls crying out at once. He charged, shoving Nuriko back against a rock. I was knocked to the ground as they flew past me. Sharp claws tore into flesh as the monster pinned him to stone. Nuriko cried out once, in pain, in surprise, but dodged quickly, avoiding a sudden avalanche of white overpowering ice and snow that covered the Seiryuu seishi.

Jumping to my feet, I cried out in alarm, but stifled it as I saw Nuriko dodge to safety. Blood flowed slowly from the cuts in his skin beneath his torn clothing. He had not been hurt seriously. I raised my sword again, watching as the snow buried the wolfish being.

Like one of the immortal monsters in tales of old, the Seiryuu seishi leapt out of the snow, growling in rage. He slammed a punch into Nuriko's face, sending blood scattering across it. And then he turned to me. His animal's eyes met mine, and in that moment I could feel his rage, and I shared it. He had attacked the one I loved. The price for spilling Nuriko's blood would be severe; I would see to that. Resting lightly on my feet, I watched him approach, poised to strike, sword ready in my hands.

From behind the creature, Nuriko's voice came, yelling loudly. The large animalistic man turned back, infuriated still, and threw a left-handed punch. Nuriko dodged and the beast's fist landed against a rock wall. Quickly, his movements a blur of small agile motions, Nuriko pushed himself off his opponent's back and his eyes turned to look down, for the shortest second.

"Nuriko!" I cried out, my voice echoing across the mountain air as I charged towards the two of them, my sword held parallel to the ground, trained on the creature, prepared for a killing blow even as I ran. But I was not quick enough. The Seiryuu seishi turned, pushing his wicked claw into the left side of Nuriko's chest, completely through it. I screamed once, seeing his small body, so delicate-looking beside the beast he fought, impaled upon the tearing claw. His scarlet seishi symbol flickered momentarily, sporadically, and time seemed to stop for a moment.

I reached them at that moment and drove my sword through the creature, propelling it forward with all my anger... and all my fear. The Seiryuu seishi fell, and Nuriko managed to pull himself off the claw before the now-motionless body fell to the ground, seeming to shake the earth. Nuriko landed on his feet, but quickly fell backwards, sitting. His breath came in short gasps, and blood trickled from the sides of his mouth. Almost disbelieving, I watched as he raised a small hand to the gaping hole in his chest. "Oh... this doesn't look too good..." His voice was strained with pain, weariness.

I dropped to my knees beside him, my eyes and my heart frantic. "Nuriko..." No. This was not happening. He was so small, so fragile-looking in that moment, his small frame nearly doubled over in pain, his crimson blood leaking onto the snow, staining it where it fell. Taking a deep ragged breath, he pushed himself up, slowly, painfully, rising to his feet. Almost as though defying his wound, he raised his eyes to the boulder that still lay before the great doors of the cave where the shinzahou lay. "I still have to do that..." He began walking towards it, his steps staggering and a small trail of blood-tinted snow behind him.

"Iie!! Don't! Don't move... you're hurt... just stay still... the others will be here soon!!" I protested, my voice frantic. He was killing himself. I had never seen anyone hurt so badly before. He should not have been able to move. I had to stop him. But all I could do was watch in something near horror as he lifted the boulder.

"No... I have to move this..." Straining, blood flowing freely from the gash in his side and dripping slowly from his mouth, he somehow managed to pick up the boulder and move it. I had still been kneeling where he first fell, surrounded by the scarlet halo his blood had created on the snow, but then I stood and ran to him. "Nuriko... please." My voice was scared. I was terrified. He should not be moving. The others would be here soon. They had to be. If he just stopped... "Stop... please," I pleaded quietly. He stood still a moment more and turned to me, his familiar beautiful face stained with his dark blood. A small faint smile flickered on his lips, his eyes meeting mine for the briefest instant. And he fell.

I watched as time slowed, the moment taking forever, as the man I loved fell, unmoving, upon the snow. Dying. Dropping once again to my knees beside him, I screamed, my voice echoing across the empty mountain expanse. "NURIKO!!!!"

Go to the next part.

Return to Tokyo Tower.