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This short fanfic was basically about what would have happened if Tamahome actually died after his son had been born.  It's quite sad actually, but I hope it turned out as good as I think it did.  ^-^  ~Jess

Tamahome's Vision
by Jess

His heart pounded as she gracefully walked by, her beautiful features catching his eyes and leading them around.  Her heavenly scent hung in the air around him, like a wild batch of roses in the sweet spring time.  His hand reached out to touch her shimmering brown hair, only for him to pull back.  He followed her quietly into a small room, blue walls lightly painted with white clouds and circus animals.  A crib sat in the corner of the room, a pink shawl draped over the side, torn edges pointed out it's misuse as a blanket.

He watched her reach over the side and pull up a small baby boy, the most perfect baby in the world. His eyes, a sparkling color of the sky, with the lightest tint of teal colored hair.  She gently laid the baby on her shoulder, rubbing his back for him to be at ease.  Watching her, he sat down in the rocking chair, memories danced in his mind, and pain replacing the empty ones that he would never know.  As she sat quietly on the chest sitting on the floor, she rocked her baby back and forth,
singing gently.  As he watched he could feel the warm tears forming in the corners of his eyes; he stood.  Not taking his eyes off her face the entire time, he walked over to her, reaching out to her beautiful face.  A sigh escaped her as she brought the baby boy into clear view.  She could see the resemblance of him in her baby, a tender kiss on her son's forehead, and she laid him back to rest.

She pulled her hair to one side, revealing her profile to him; he stood next to her, peering into the crib.  She gently stroked her baby's small face, building security in him to go back to sleep.  The tears he had felt, now began to run, as if a small waterfall were trickling down his cheeks.  He placed his hand on her cheek, hoping... praying that she could feel him.  His breathing became heavy as he soon realized she couldn't feel his presence, and he now knew she would never feel his touch again.  As she finished tending to the baby, he reached over and gently touched his son's cheek, the same reaction occurred. Not even his son could feel him anymore.  He sturdied himself against the railings of the crib, his sobbing becoming even more weakening.  He couldn't hold himself up; his strength had gone as he cried.  He watched her leave the room, in an effortless attempt he fell to the floor, screaming out her name, wanting her to know he was still here with her.  He began to crawl after her, tears soaking his shirt and dripping onto the floor as he made his way to the door.  He collapsed in the hallway, spotting her sitting in their room... clutching a picture frame.  He desperately crawled on his stomach towards her, emotionally broken, his strength depleted; all that was keeping him going... was her... he had to make it to her.

Finally reaching his destination, he clambered up onto the bed fixing himself next to her.  He reached towards her to bring her into his arms, suddenly she burst into uncontrollable sobs, clutching the picture close to her... whispering his name softly. "Tamahome..."

He tried to hold her, each time his arms not seeming to make contact with her quivering body.  He screamed and called out her name, desperately wanting her to know...  All he could was watch her suffer through unbearable pain and torment. She laid herself down on the bed, in one hand a picture of their wedding day, in the other her wedding band.  Her fingers traced over his every feature in the picture, the tears streaking the glass, the band making a tight circle in her hand.  He pounded his fist into the wall, wondering what he had done to deserve such an afterlife- all he wanted was to hold her, tell her he would always be there, he wanted to hold his precious son.

He sat by their bedside until she wept to sleep, he still had one pleasure... watching her sleep, wondering what she's dreaming about... hoping she's thinking of him.  A sigh and he stood, wandering over to the door way.  He brought his hands up to his lips and blew his beloved a kiss.

"I love you, Miaka... and I'm always here for you... always..."

He quietly departed the room, wiping the formation of icy tears from his eyes as he made his way to the small blue room.  His arms shaking gently as he ran his fingers over his son's beautiful face. "Goodbye... my son."

And with that last word, he disappeared in a bright light.  His family was now left without him...

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