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Special Thanks

Because Hikaru-chan and I are not perfect people, we owe a lot of people thanks for their assistance with this novel- er, I mean, fic. ^^;; Please tell me if I left you out!!

So, domo arigatou gozaimashita to the following people:

Karen Duffy of Tomodachi Anime for subbing Fushigi Yuugi in the first place. It was her translations that we liberally ripped off, and we are eternally grateful.

Sushi-chan, our FY encylopedia and personal Ho~ri-sama for correcting all our timeline and dialogue mistakes

Akira-chan for writing Akira's part ^.~ [you'll see]

Azaria for drawing our sexy Hotohori-sama picture

Wonton for drawing our other sexy, scantily-clad Hotohori-sama picture

Marron for writing her lovely poem, When I See You for Nuriko and Secret Smile for Hotohori-sama because of SEL

Akira, Sushi, Ayame, Jyuu, Theresa, Drew, Sarah, Cara, ChichiriDA, Hotaru, and many others for the encouragement and support.

If I am missing you up here and you contributed, please email me!! I have tendencies to be a twit. -.-;; But I'm sure you all knew that...

Anyway, thank you all so much!!

~Kiri and Hikaru

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