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for Sushi

by Kiri

it's not so hard anymore to look at you

at first, the fire in your eyes made me breathless
you were so alive, so beautiful
every step you took was filled with life, with strength
I loved you
I wanted you

but as time went on, I saw I did not need you

your gentle smiles were never for me, no matter how much I wanted them
your touch was reserved for another, one you knew would never love you back
your eyes never lingered on me, but on a small girl
one I hated
one I loved

and my feelings were so mixed for such a long time

I hope you never know what it is like to have your heart torn, like what you did to me
but I know you do, for that is what she did to you
and I wish with everything I am that you would let me comfort you
to still your tears
to stop your pain

because despite everything that you’ve done to me, I still love you

but I know you will never love me back
so I content myself to loving you from a distance
to helping you when I can, not interfering
as you are to her
so I am to you

I wish you all happiness


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