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Miaka, Warrior Miko
by Kiri and Hikaru

Kiri's comments: I think this is by far our most popular fic. Blatant co-author insertion, but hey, I like me. ^.~ 'Cept I'm Makoto in there, but that's a loooong story. All of the jokes that everyone likes are Hikaru's anyway. ^.~ And since this is  my space, she can't disagree. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! POWER!!!! Definitely our longest, save Saigo no Maku, when that is done.

Hikaru's comments: Gee... wow. Warrior Miko really *is* long, isn't it? And there's no point throughout the entire thing... still looking for that point though. Oh!! If it isn't scary enough to begin with... we're getting PICTURES drawn to go along with it. The completely gorgeous and mystereous Saezuri Kamen (whom you haven't met yet. Mwahahahahahahah. Just wait. ^.~) is drawing us some pretty pictures. Sae-chan is so cool. Yay!! Oh... and Kiri-chan is clueless. Her jokes are too funny. Just violent occasionally... well... violent quite often. ^.^ And she can't argue with me here. So nyaaaaaaa. Nyaaaa. Nyan nyan... erk... where'd that come from??? I'm gonna stop now... ^.^ Bye!!

Index of
Miaka, Warrior Miko

part 1: Introduction

part 2: More Characters!

part 3: Kiri's Happiness

part 4: No Da

part 5: Plot? What's that you're saying? Plot?

part 6: Hotohori-sama...

part 7: Yet Another Complete Digression

part 8: Waking Up and the Moon Princess

part 9: Enter: the Bad Guy... Sort Of...

part 10: Digressions Galore...

part 11: Fiboshi

part 12: Dungeons

part 13: Power Trips...

part 14: Why Makoto Kills Tamahome

part 15: Lekka Shien... and Mitsukake

part 16: Hysterical Laughter

part 17: Kimura-chan

part 18: Makoto Being Serious

part 19: Makoto Is Happy Again

part 20: Yet Another Pointless Chapter...

part 21: A Whole Bunch More Characters... and Gerry-chan... and Chiriko...

part 22: Why Did We Introduce All Those Characters If We Were Only Going to Ride a Train?

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