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Index of Miaka, Warrior Miko:The Search for the Muffin Seishi
Miaka, Warrior Miko: The Search For the Muffin Seishi
by Kiri and Hikaru

Kiri's comments: Again, much the same. Long fic, very spazzy. Blame it on the pizza, I guess.

Hikaru's comments: Oh look. A sequel. And more rambling space. I'll be brief this time. So ummm... yeah Warrior Miko II. Long. Strange. Spazzy. Weird. Amusing? Sure!! 'kay I'm done. Ja!!!

Index of
Miaka, Warrior Miko: The Search For the Muffin Seishi

part 1: Here We Go Again

part 2: A Bit of Explanation

part 3: Tights, Togas, and Tantalizing... uhhh... uhhhh... Sakura

part 4: Memories

part 5: Weirdness and Temper Tantrums

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