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Part II Chapter 4... Memories

Fiboshi was whining. "I wanna find the muffin seishi so we can call the kami and I get to make the wishes."

"Ummm, no, I get the wishes, Fiboshi," Sakura informed him. "I am the Miko."

"Minor technicality. I plan to manipulate you into using your wishes the way I want them to be used," Fiboshi informed her and laughed maniacally. "Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

"Oh." Sakura said as she side-stepped a scurrying muffin that had crossed her path.

"Ummm... I'm almost afraid to ask... who's the villain in this parody?" Yui asked quietly.

Makoto shrugged. "I'm not really sure..."

"You're not sure?!?!?!" Miaka asked incredulously.

"Oh, this isn't good no da..." Chichiri said worriedly.

Hikaru shrugged. "Nah... we'll figure it out, I'm sure."

"When?" Tetsuya asked.

"When whoever it is attacks us, I'd imagine," Sakura said, clutching onto Nuriko.

Hikaru nodded. "Yup."

The entire group fell flat on their faces.

"Ne... Hikaru... who comes in next?" Makoto asked.

"Ummmm... either Nakago or one of the muffin seishi... maybe... I hope... could be..."

"Could be no da?" Chichiri asked carefully.

No one answered the royal monk.

"Makoto..." Yui began hesitantly. "Is that a town up there?"

The violent co-author glanced in the direction Yui was pointing. "Hai... I think so... Let's go!!"

With that, Makoto took off at full speed down the path, dragging the twins behind her.

"Should we follow her no da?" Chichiri asked.

"Poor Amiboshi. Poor Suboshi..." Tetsuya muttered, tugging down the corners of his toga.

Hikaru nodded. "Let's go, guys!!"

After a bit of sprinting, the group caught up with Makoto and the captive twins.

"Anou... haven't we been here before... this looks an awful lot like..." Fiboshi trailed off.

"It can't be!!" the Muffin no Miko yelped and latched tightly onto Nuriko.

"NASHUA?!?!!?!?!!?" Sakura, Makoto, Hikaru, and Fiboshi yelped at once.

"Oops.." Abruptly the scence changed and the modern New Hampshire equivalent of Sleepy Hollow vanished and was replaced by a rustic-looking, time-authentic village.

"Phew... that was close," Sakura breathed.

Hikaru and Makoto nodded. That was almost reality. They couldn't have that in this parody, now could they?


From out of nowhere a large hand reached out and grabbed Hikaru by the shoulder. Turning as quickly as she could, she blindly struck out at the unknown owner of the appendage.



[Oh, you shut up.]

Hikaru paused mometarily to see who she was pulverizing.

Makoto tried to swallow a giggle and Sakura fell backwards into Nuriko.

"Mitsukake?" Miaka asked

The tall man, who was now quite bruised, nodded. "Hai... nice to see you all again." He glanced at Hikaru doubtfully.

"Anou... gomen ne... I'm soooo sorry, I didn't know it was you!! It was a reflex... watch, I do that to lots of people." She walked over to Makoto and smacked her off side the head. "See?"

Makoto pouted and glared at Hikaru.

"Ummmm... yeah... exactly," Mitsukake said and then remembered that he wasn't supposed to talk. He'd already said far too much, so he promptly shut up.

Makoto was still glaring at the back of Hikaru's head. Suddenly there was a slight flash in the air around her as an idea popped into being. She grinned evily, like she was prone to doing periodically, and a rather large club appeared in her hand. Very quietly, she snuck up behind her co-author. "SMACK ME OFF THE HEAD, WILL YOU??" She raised the club and whacked Hikaru over the head, in the process, cracking the club and knocking the blue-haired girl into unconsciousness.

Hikaru fell.

Makoto blinked, looking at the broken club. "Oops..." Then she looked at the fallen Hikaru. She smirked. "HA!!! SMACK ME OFF THE HEAD, WILL YOU??? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" She then paused. "Hey, wait... I already said that..."

Keisuke looked a bit worried. "Hikaru? Hikaru-chan?"

Makoto smirked. Again. "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Again.

Keisuke knelt down beside her and touched her shoulder. "Hikaru, are you okay?"

Suboshi, still involuntarily attached to Makoto's arm, looked at Hikaru. "Um... Makoto-san... perhaps you shouldn't have done that..."

Makoto looked at her co-author. "Ne.... Hikaru-chan... stop joking around...."

Hikaru didn't move. Even her breathing was faint.

"Hikaru-chan?" Makoto nudged her with her foot.

Hikaru stirred slightly and moaned.

Makoto breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, at least she's alive."

Keisuke glared at her. "That wasn't very nice."

Makoto laughed. "I'm violent!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"

Hikaru slowly opened her eyes. "What... where...?"

"Hikaru-chan!!!" exclaimed Makoto gleefully.

Hikaru blinked at her. "Who are you?"

Makoto stopped. "What?"

Hikaru remained looking perplexed. Keisuke looked nervous. Makoto slowly replaced her confusion with a large evil smile.


Yui looked very confused... again. "Ne... Makoto.... WHY are you laughing?"

Makoto paused long enough in her maniacal hysteria to turn to Yui. "Hikaru doesn't remember!!! Now the power is all MINE!!!! MINE MINE MINE!!!! ALL MINE!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"

"Oh," Yui replied hesitantly.

Miaka, Chichiri and Tetsuya began whispering amongst themselves.

"If she has the keyboard... with no one to check her..." Tetsuya began.

"Wasn't Hikaru the one who brought people back to life?" Miaka whispered.

"We're doomed no da," Chichiri concluded solemnly.

Tetsuya broke down into tears.

"MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!" Makoto was still at it. Her long hair was incredibly wild and seemed to move and writhe with its own energy as Makoto jumped around cackling.



Sakura and Fiboshi didn't say anything. They knew better.

Makoto suddenly stopped cackling evilly. "Hmmm," she thought out loud. "What if she is only faking?" She turned to Hikaru. "Are you just going to jump up and yell, 'Just kidding!!'?"

Hikaru was trembling. "Am I going to die?"

Makoto smiled rather sinisterly. "Maybe........."

Hikaru's eyes widened. "What sort of megalomaniacal murderer are you?? How did I get here? Why is that dim-looking girl wearing such bad clothes and chasing the boy with the muffins? Where are those muffins coming from?? I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!"

Makoto's eyes glittered. She turned to Keisuke. "Well... I probably shouldn't kill her... I guess... Since it is so much of an effort to bring people back... I'll entrust her into your care, since she has a crush on you anyway and she will be grateful to me forever." She winked at him. "But don't get fresh..."

Keisuke turned an interesting shade of neon red.

She turned back to the others. "Tetsuya, do you really want that toga?"

He shook his head vehemently.

She shrugged and dressed him in jeans and a jacket.


Again, he nodded vehemently.

She looked around at the others. "Anyone else want anything?"

Miaka started drooling. "FOOD!!!!!"

Makoto snapped and there it was.

Miaka looked up again. "Tamahome?" she asked sadly.

Makoto frowned. "I can't find him." And if I did, I'd kill him, she thought, grinning to herself.


Chichiri looked at Makoto too. "I need a Tuxedo Mask..."

Makoto raised an eyebrow and shrank away. "Maybe later...."

"Makoto-san..." asked Amiboshi cautiously. "What are you doing?"

She smirked. "I'm being nice..." She inched up along side Amiboshi and whispered into his ear so no one else could hear. "I'm gaining everyone's trust so they decide to let me keep the power. Once I have them... I'll be my old violent self again." She grinned at everyone. "Ne, Minna-san, let's get going!!"

Hikaru blinked in absolute confusion. She glanced at the blond-haired man who was looking down at her, concerned. "Anou... Can you tell me what's going on?" she paused. "And maybe you could tell me who I am and who you are?"

Keisuke sighed. "You don't remember ANYTHING?"

Hikaru shook her head. "Iie... nothing at all."

"Well... you're Hikaru... Makoto over there is having a power trip. My name is Keisuke... I think I'm the King of Thieves or something like that for this parody."

Hikaru nodded. "Ooh."

Makoto had calmed down enough now to actually think. She looked over at the blue-haired girl with the lapsed memory who still sat on the ground. "Hikaru!! You can stop pretending now!!"

"Pretending what? I'm so confused!!" the girl looked on the verge of tears.

[*sigh* here I am writing this while I lost my memory. How confusing!!]


[*sigh* I'm writing. I'm writing.]

Makoto thought a minute. She still wasn't convinced of the truth to Hikaru's lost memory... "Ne... Hikaru-chan... you don't remember anything?"

The girl looked at Keisuke, then back to the insane girl, and glared. "You're mean."

"WHAT?!?!?!" Makoto jumped backwards, jerking the twins back.

Hikaru's eyes were scared and confused.

Makoto let go of the twins' arms. "Hikaru-chan... you really don't remember, do you?" She had a very worried expression on her face.

Hikaru pouted and looked to Keisuke for help.

Makoto suddenly felt very guilty. She snapped.


"Shoot!" she exclaimed.

"What?" asked Keisuke, worried.

She looked up at him, upset and serious. "I can't heal her."

"WHAT?!?!?" yelled Keisuke. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!?"

She flinched. "I can't... she's just as powerful as me... I can't do anything to her with my power..."

"But then how did you hurt her?" Yui asked quietly, coming up behind Keisuke.

Makoto looked ashamed. "That was physical. Not co-author power."

Tetsuya followed Yui, and put a hand on Keisuke's shoulder. Keisuke looked very upset.

"I'm really sorry," Makoto said softly, actually feeling regret. "I didn't mean to hurt her." She shut her eyes tightly, trying to think what she could do and felt a hand on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw Suboshi's concerned face. She blinked. Suboshi?

His eyes were serious. "Makoto-san, I'm sure she'll be okay."

Makoto noticed her eyes were starting to water. She turned quickly away from him, and looked at her fallen co-author, not saying anything.

"We should get going," interrupted Amiboshi, his voice a bit tight.

Nodding wordlessly, Makoto turned and followed him.

The others followed a bit behind. No one spoke.

Oooh, serious... maybe it's cuz I just had my birthday? ~Kiri

Part II Chapter 5... Weirdness and Temper Tantrums

Makoto stopped walking. She sat down wordlessly on the path.

Suboshi nearly tripped over her. "Makoto-san?"

She was not happy. "Forget this."

Everyone sweatdropped, except Hikaru, who had no idea what was going on.

Amiboshi knelt down beside her. "Makoto, what do you mean?"

A blaze of fire lit around Makoto and Amiboshi scrambled back. "Look, forget all of this. My name is Kiri, not Makoto. I'm a failure as a co-author. I can't find Tamahome and I can't even heal Hikaru!!!"

No one dared approach.

The fire died down, leaving a scorched ring around her. "Without Hikaru-chan, I'm useless. None of my jokes are funny. Everybody would stay dead..." She took a deep, shuddering breath. "Just forget all of this. Warrior Miko is over."

Suddenly the scenery started to crumble.

Everybody changed in their original outfits.

Kiri put her head in her hands and shut her eyes.

Sakura blinked. "Kiri-chan?"

Her voice was muffled. "Here. I'll give you Nuriko." She snapped, and Nuriko turned to Sakura, confused.

"I... I feel weird," he said. "I have the urge to never leave your side."

Sakura grinned happily, but was still worried. "Kiri-chan, are you okay?"

Kiri nodded abruptly.

Sakura decided to back off until Kiri had calmed down.

Keisuke tried to approach her, but she shook her head. "Look, I'm sorry I screwed up Hikaru's head, but look at it this way- she could still love you again."

Hikaru looked puzzled, but Keisuke was frowning.

He started to say something, but she snapped, and he and Hikaru appeared on the top floor of the Tokyo Tower.

Hikaru blinked. "I know where we are..."

Keisuke looked at her, surprised. "You do?"

"Yeah... I heard a voice telling me to rescue a land or something... weird."

Keisuke sweatdropped. "Anou... wrong anime."

Meanwhile, Tetsuya, Yui, Miaka, Chichiri, and the twins were back with Kiri.

Without a word, she snapped, sending Miaka, Yui, and Tetsuya to Miaka's apartment.

Chichiri looked upset. "Anou... where are they all going no da?"

She smiled slightly, snapped, and sent him to an early episode of Sailor Moon, so he could beat out Usagi for the role of Moon Princess.

She turned to the twins. "Well, Kou-kun, it's been nice." Amiboshi looked shocked at her face, not violent like usual, but sad and regretful. "I hope you two end up happy."

"Kiri?" said Amiboshi, confused.

She raised her hand to snap and Suboshi tackled her. "DON'T YOU DARE!!"

She was too surprised to fight back, so she just let him grab her wrists, watching him.

Amiboshi blinked, as surprised as she was.

"Don't you DARE send us anywhere!! This is supposed to be a paraody, RIGHT? BUT THIS ISN'T FUNNY AT ALL!!" Suboshi's eyes were angry and she felt uncomfortable.

"Look, without Hikaru, nothing can happen. It's sort of like the yin-yang. You see?" She tried to pull away, but he refused to let go.

"Ara..." said a familiar voice from out of the piles of stage props. "Kiri-chan, what's going on here? I thought I was supposed to be in this parody..."

Three sets of eyes turned to the girl.

She was not very tall, but her presence was commanding. She had long red hair and flashing green eyes. She wore arm and leg guards and a long black jacket, very reminiscent of Tasuki's.

"Ashura-chan?" Kiri asked sadly.

Ashura gazed at the group, debating what to do, then just nodded.

Suboshi let go of Kiri. "Who are you?"

She smirked. "Ashura, obviously."

He glared. "How useful. How did you get here?"

She shrugged. "Kiri decided to write me in."

He glanced at Kiri. "You're still typing?"

She nodded silently.

Amiboshi was very unsure what to do. What exactly was his role in all of this? His brother seemed to be taking care of everything. Perhaps he just had to watch.

Kiri suddenly snapped and sent Ashura to Tentei before she could interfere.

Her voice was strained. "Okay, you two, seriously, do you want to go to a Lego store or something? I can do that."

"You don't get it, do you?" Suboshi asked, his voice furious.

Kiri gave him a Death Glare (tm). "Don't get what??"

Amiboshi came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. "Perhaps we WANT to be here."

Kiri, stunned, turned and looked at him. "What?"

Amiboshi met her gaze evenly, not blinking.

"He's right," Suboshi said, the anger gone from his voice. "Except for Yui and Tetsuya... most of us have fun. And even they do most of the time." Suboshi pointed to YOU. "See? People even READ this."

Kiri looked up, not meeting their eyes, but looking off into the distance. "Why?"

The twins sweatdropped.

Suboshi tried to explain. "Because there are people out there that have time to actually go to websites and read stuff like this. Umm... some of them seem to enjoy it too."

Kiri gave him a dirty look.

Amiboshi tried as well. "Even if no one ever read this, don't you have fun? I'm sure Hikaru-san will be fine. Trust me."

Kiri nodded, still looking away. "Should I bring everyone back then?"

Suboshi nodded. "Yui-sama..."

Kiri gave him a wry smile. "Yeah, okay."

She snapped and suddenly everyone was back.

Except, of course, Tamahome.

A few people looked very disappointed to be back, most notably Chichiri, who had just discovered that Mamoru was Tuxedo Mask.

"NOOOOOO!!!!" Chichiri was crying. "MAMO-CHAAAAAN!!!!!!"

Kiri was still subdued. "Sorry. I'll put you there later." Suddenly her eyes lit up with a slight hint of their familiar malevolence. "Or I could have Sae-chan come..." She trailed off, her voice sounding almost seductive.

"Anou... who no da?" the monk/princess asked.

Kiri smirked. "You'll see."

Oooh, dare wa Saezuri desu ka? *waves to Sae-chan* See? Time for your cameo!! ~Kiri

Go to the next part [not up yet]