11/22/99 *** update ***
I have added something new for all you KMFDM fans... However, if you want it, you will have to go to the frames version of my homepage. Look for the KMFDM/MDFMK link, for something special. WITCH HUNT! It's the realaudio version that is floating around. Yes, I do have the MP3 version, but every site that distributes the MP3 has been killed. You can listen to it from here, but that is all. Hope you all like!

~ Dan Zapix

11/19/99 *** update ***
Anyone notice any changes? How about the new logo at the top of this page? You'll notice I also got around to doing the "THINGS THAT SUCK" page. Whatelse? Yes, as you may already know, I added a chatroom. Also decided to add in the message board from my MUSIC & ANIME page here. On top of which, I added in a news archive to lessen the size of this index page. All of these you will find at the top of this page. I have yet to properly add then into the FRAMES/NO-FRAMES pages, as I need to create the buttons for the FRAMES version. Other than that, nothing is new.

Well, that's about it! Hope you like all this!

~ Dan Zapix

I've gotten pretty bored with things these days. This page seems so old and boring. Course, I never do have time to do much of this stuff. I did add something new though. What did I add? Well, really, it's none of your concern. It's a well hidden page, which has nothing interesting unless you love knowing about me! Oh wait, 1/2 of this news thing has been about my personal life! Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that.
Well, guess that's all I wanted to say.

~ Dan Zapix

When I think about how old this page is now, it scares the hell out of me! Really, it does. I originally created this page on as a small page to be about myself. I figured a friend here and there woudld check it out to see what I was all about. That March of 1998 I didn't stop to think how ambitious I would get with this page. I'm not even done yet people! You think you see it complete now?!? I'm about to make some changes when I get the chance. I'm gonna make a "THINGS THAT SUCK ABOUT MY PAGE" link, and throw in the stuff like the poetry, the memories, and the favorite. So, is that all that will be new you ask? No, not at all. I'm going to throw in an entire section devoted to Anime! I'm gonna throw in a whole section devoted to game codes. I'm gonna get a messageboard back up so all if you can see this page again as it was fully intended! To attract the interest of anyone regardless of color, race, religion, age, sex, geographical location, etc! I saw that people from all over the world had visited my site! I think I've accomplished something here! Good or bad? What do you think about my site? So far the only bad things I heard was about a certain prank of mine on my page. For all of you still using Explorer 3.0, or a mac, this prank of mine may still work! Hehe!
Again, give me some time to make these additions. I've had a few changes in my daily life that as far as I am concerned have made a serious impact on things. A friend of mine from work, whom I will only refer to as, Bijin has been spending a substancial part of her time with me. Where the relationship is headed, I do no know. I can only hope it leads off into one direction. Other than that, I will say nothing more! After all, she may come over and see this mentioned!
Anyways, I guess that's all I have to say. This whole NEWS this is probably boring to most of you, but I find it the only way to say hello to everyone out in the world, and as a way to talk about some issues regarding this page of mine, or some bizzare personal matter which most of you don't want to hear about! Well, enjoy the page!

~ Dan Zapix

Decided to add a few things to my page today. Nothing special. Just some links to sites that will pay you $16 - $20 a week or more just for surfing the web. Yeah, they will pay on your own time just to be online! Two of these sites are listed on my page. Link to them, sign up, and make money for nothing!
Also, after wandering through my page a little I found a few mistyped links, a few missing graphics and some missing MIDI files. I fixed the ones I found. I have a CD-R with all my homepage stuff backed up, so it makes it easy to find errors made when I transfered this whole thing to Geocities from Angelfire last year. If any of you see a dead link, missing image, etc., please let me know! I don't have time these days to check up on these things. Not to mention with the size of my page, it would take me hours ro check every single link!
Well, guess that's about it!

~ Dan Zapix

Well, the day I was waiting for the last month has happened! The site finally hit the 2000 mark! Whoever you were who made it 2000, congratulations! You were the 2000th visitor! You now win an all paid expense trip to my homepage... What? Did you think I was gonna say Florida?!?
Nah, just pleased to see that in the 18 months this site has existed, I have been able to attract so many people from all over the world! Even a visit from the U.S. Department of Defense! Anyways, thank you all for your interest in my homepage, as well as all the guestbook signatures, email feedback, etc! Well, guess I just wanted to make some news about the 2000 hit mark!
Oh yeah, and on a final note, I got the cable modem service I mentioned! To any of you still using a dial up service... Consider going for the cable modem service! I doubt you will see the Megs per second, but you will certainly see 30k to 500k download speeds, and lightning fast page browsing!

~ Dan Zapix

Long time, no news eh! Well, there has been nothing to say! I mean, there's nothing new to say about my page! I'm working on a fourth project though! There was my H/A/P/C/P page, but I closed for some very good reasons! Then there is this page! The second page I created. The third page would be my Music & Anime page. Which seemingly is not as much as a success as I hoped. Now I am working on a computer sales page. Considering I can buy hardware, software, etc dirt cheap and I can build computers, I'm in the run to start a little business. Wanna check out the start of this new site?
Oh yes... I mentioned a long time ago I was getting a new computer. Well, I got it on 8/20/99. Built fron the bottom up too! Wanna know the specs? ok... try this!

Soyo SY-5EMA+ ATX Motherboard
AMD K6-2 450Mhz (I'm gonna upgrade to a AMD K7 650Mhz very soon)
6.4GB UltraDMA Harddrive (I'm thinking about buying a SCSI)
ATi Rage Fury w/TV-Out
Sound Blaster PCI128
1.44 Floppy Drive
"17 Monitor
Cirrus Logic 33.6 Modem (gonna go for DSL or Cable soon)
Logitec Wireless Desktop (wireless keyboard and mouse)

So, there you have it. A god like system, which I have named, KURAI TENCHI. How much did I spend to buy it all? Try a mere $700!!! I could probably buy it for even less now! Like I said though. I'm gonna upgrade to a AMD K7 650 and get a DSL or cable modem very soon. Also going to buy a CD-R/RW soon. I'm even thinking about getting a SCSI harddrive! That'll made a very powerful computer (which it already is one).
Anyways, other than that I work for ADT/AlarmGuard Security Systems now. That's about it for my "personal life" which I know most of you don't care about! I just need something to type every now and then! Well, enjoy the site!

~ Dan Zapix

Hey everyone,
I'm gonna try and work with this site a little. Add a few things in. Otherwise, my space on here is pretty much killed. Heh, never did sell that SEGA SATURN system. Oh well. Guess I'll keep it and play crappy games!
Just recently bought myself an AMD K6-2 450 chip. That 133 system thing didn't work out. Didn't have the right size case, and resold the board! I made $10 profit from it too! Go figure! So hopefully in a month or two, I'll have a wickly fast system! You realize I can build a top of the line system for $1200 or less?!? I'm not kidding!
Well, the main news, shall we? I spent about 6 hours today working on the Music & Anime page. I was up from 1am to 7am adding in new movies and music, as well as fixing up the message board and polls. Bad news is though, the IRC/JAVA chat room is down.
Anyway, what else... Oh, I haven't been bothing with the mailing list, so if you added yourself to it, or do... Don't expect anything but the automatically sent welcome message! I'll get the message board and polls for this page back on today.
Well, not much else. I'm selling things all over Take a look! Original Star Wars toys, computer games, etc! Guess that's it. Take care and enjoy my webpage(s).
~ Dan Zapix

Hey everyone, you probably noticed there's been no recent news or updates. I moved back home to Connecticut on Feb 2, and have been stuck on my stupid f***ing, PowerMac 7100/66. I just paid $30 to buy a AOpen AX53 motherboard, and by the end of the week, I should have my 133MHz Pentium system together. So, until then, no updates! Sorry. Just the mac is useless.. After all, it's a mac(macintrash). Anyways, also trying to sell this mac. Anyone intrested? EMail me for details. Also trying to sell my SEGA SATURN with the 9 games. Again, if you're intrested, EMail me. Well, enjoy the site if you've never been here! If you have... Well... Enjoy it more this time *lmao*
~ Dan Zapix

Hey everyone, just got done working on the major parts of a new page of I'm doing. It's a music and anime homepage called Zapix's Anime & Music Domain. Please take minute to check it out. Basicly, it's contining where this page is leaving off. Due to extreme lack of space on this page, I am kinda prevented to any additions. However, I should have some free space back in a day or two, so that will enable to do add stuff to it. Anyways, I'm done for now! Later!

~ Dan Zapix

First, I wanna say I hope everyone is having a good new year. Now to the news... I finally rented Xenogears again, so I could add in the rest of the skills info I forgot. So, version 1.3 has been released. I added a walkthrough for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, however it's not entirely complete. I will release the full version as soon as it's released. After about seven months, I finally added in a special selection of music and movies. Also includes samples in RealAudio.
Zapix's Top Choice Music & Anime
Anyways, that's about it. Hope everyone likes this homepage.

~ Dan Zapix

Well, currently I'm working on a project for a Montana Tech School homepage. So, I won't be working on this page all that much. Also means most projects I'm working on (ie. Xenogears Guide, new midi files, mp3 section, etc) are all going to be put on hold. In the meantime, if you're bored, I uploaded a game for all those who are sick of Iraq.
Enjoy the game, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone and if you're going to be on the road, drive safely.

~ Dan Zapix

Well tomorrow is my birthday first of all. So, god only knows if I do some insane thing on here for then, but I doubt it. I've added in Final Fantasy VIII, and Xenogears to my MIDI page. I've also added in a Xenogears Guide (written by me) and a Tomb Raider III walkthrough in my Walkthrough Archive page. I'm pretty much clear out of space with this page, so I might start looking into getting my own personal domain in the next few months so I can add in MP3s, RealAudio, pictures and all sorts of stuff. On a final note, the Poll page is not working right, so don't bother with it for now.