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Your pets depend on you to protect them from Disaster; include them in your preparedness plan.

The responsibility for the security and well being of our animal companions lies with the owner.


  1. Make arrangements for your pets well in advance for a disaster.
  2. Arrange for your pet to stay with friends or relatives in a safe area.
  3. Make reservations at a hotel that allows pets.
  4. Make arrangements to board animals at a kennel or vet clinic in a safe area.
  5. Relocate large animals to open pasture, if free from hazards.

Small Animals:

  1. Make sure all pets have current vaccinations.
  2. Keep identification on pets through-out the year.
  3. Have properly sized pet carriers for companion animals, for each pet. {Allow space in the carriers for standing and turning around}
  4. Have extra food, water, and medications in your pet supply kit.
  5. Have current immunizations, necessary papers, and brand or tattoo identification.

Large Animals:

  1. Make arrangements at least 72 hrs. Before the onset of a disaster if you must evacuate horses or livestock.
  2. Make sure pastures have safe areas with no overhead wires or large trees.
  3. Secure live stock trailers and other vehicles with mobile home tie downs in open areas away from trees.
  4. Inventory all equipment and livestock on video, then store with insurance papers.

Pet Disaster Kit:

Most emergency shelters DO NOT ALLOW OR ACCEPT ANIMALS / PETS. Check your area for pet "Friendly" shelters.

**** AND MOST OF ALL ****
Do not leave your pets behind!!! *Plan and practice evacuation*

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