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Volunteer Form For A.L.E.R.T. Inc.
Date of Birth:___/___/___
Circle one please: Female/Male
Please list what kind of volunteer work you would like to do:
Please list the times you are available:
Please list any special animal training you have had:
Please list any animals you have/had:
Emergency contact:_____________________________ Phone #:__________________
Medical problems?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(1) The volunteer coordinator will assign work stations and duties. If I feel that I can not do the work or do not wish to do the work I was assigned, I will immediately notify the volunteer coordinator. IN______
(2) If I for any reason decided to not finish my volunteer services with Alert Inc. I will immediately notify the volunteer coordinator. I will not walk away from my job with out notification to the volunteer coordinator. IN______
(3) To account for everyone, I will log in when it is time for my volunteer services and I will log out when my volunteer services are complete. IN_____
(4) If I am unable to be at my assigned station at my designated time, I will give the volunteer coordinator notice ahead of time. IN_____
(5) I understand I am responsible for my own drinks, food, and any other items I might be in need of. IN_____
(6) I also understand that volunteer work is a service I provide. I understand that I am here to help. I am not here to hinder the well being of any animal and will do what is asked of me to see to the animals as best I can. I will do what is asked of me or I will excuse myself from volunteer services. IN_____
(7) I understand the only compensation I will receive is a good pat on the back and a warm thank you. IN_____
(8) I understand that I am responsible for myself should injury, death or any other damages occur to me. IN_____
I the signed below, agree with the above. I will do my best to follow the requests above.