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Rose Faces

To My Page of Webrings

I love the idea of the Webring ...
It seems to bring us all closer together ...
That's the wonderful thing about the internet
... I can talk all over the world with
the flick of a mouse button ...
Below are the Webrings to which I am very
proud to belong.

Red Bar

Prestigious Women Logo

Misker's Denizen Logo

Please have a look at all my wonderful gifts!

Day of the Child This Day Of The Child Webring
site is owned by Bev Jones. .

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Aussie/Kiwi Picture LOTH Logo
I am SO proud of this one!!!!

Member of
Child Protection Campaign
Children's Protection Campaign WebRing
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Garden House Logo


Go to the Webring Home Page This LOTH Circle site is owned by Bev.  Want to join the LOTH Circle WebRing?

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I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

Random Acts of Kindness

Bev Jones
Is A Caring Member Of RAOK!
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Woman Of Angelfire
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This Women of Angelfire site is owned by Bev Jones

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Moon & Back Graphics

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