Karen Dugas : Your Local Avon Representative
- Karen has been selling since 1986
- Sheworks fulltime at Freshmart-Blacks Harbour
- She has over 80 customers
- Her territory is Beaver Harbour
- She attracts new customers through job at Freshmart
- It is convenient for some people to pick up their avon and groceries at same time
- She gives alot of discounts on products
- She has draws for customers who purchase $20.00 and up- beautiful prizes
- In her latest draw a NHL "original six" t shirt won by Kathy Hennessey
- She donates to various fundraisers
- The youth group going to Rome 2000 was given a tremendous discount on fundraiser done through Karen by Avon
- Any organization, school, church group wishing to do a fundraiser, for fast, easy money can contact Karen anytime
- She gets all latest updates on new products coming, as well as attends avon meetings and has visited the Avon Plant in Montreal four times
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