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The Constituents' Voice


the way pogo makes me feel. . . I really feel like you have to think of pogo in terms of how it makes you FEEL, versus how it SOUNDS. it's like a drug that goes straight to your brain. i've heard if you shoot booze up your ass, you get drunk almost immediately. something like that. i had the priviledge of taking pictures of them once, and, all i can say is - HOT HOT HOT BOYS!!! get 'em while they're still local, 'cause there's no telling when these cats are going to shoot straight to the stars! and you can quote me on that 'scuse me - i gotta go buy a hot water bottle with a hose. . .

From The Rocket Demo Derby:

Comments from Listeners at

NIce & a GOOD way! -Basscohen (New York)

Groovy. New Orleans funk
-Moonshinediner (Tallahassee, FL)

Very original. I really liked the way that the horns and the guitars meshed. Very good job with the horn solos. The rhythem really jammed also. Keep up the good work.
-agent8 (Texas City, Texas)

Waiting for the Action
Some vocals would have been nice in this song. The intro was good, but the song doesn't seem to go anywhere afterwards. Some good brass work. Sounds a bit like Hugh Masekela in sections.
-Victor (Toronto, Canada)

I always have some criticism for any band.This band however has thoroughly impressed me. This was Jazzy, funky, and full of energy. I am humbled.
-AmbikasBass (Nashua, Minnesota)

herbified funk party
i'd like to see more variation in the rhythm...the solo is pretty interesting though! love the herbie hancock feel.
-Damnbrandy (Ithaca, NY)

Group Has Potential
too busy, makes me hyper, needs a mellow change
-krox (Sunbury, Pennsylvania)

meet Pogo Flippenstick