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I love A.J. because he is hot, has a great voice, he’s hot, he’s nice to his fans(I hear he’s been known to call fans who have given him their phone number!) and last of all, he’s hot.

I love Nick because he’s cute, he has a great voice, he’s cute, he’s talented (he’s the only one to have a solo on Millennium, or on any of the other albums), and last of all, he’s cute.

I love Howie because he’s cute, he’s hot, he’s got a great voice, he’s talented (I mean, duh, all of them are talented, otherwise they wouldn’t be in the group, but still, that’s a reason I love them, so that’s why I put it), and he’s the most romantic of the group. In my Backstreet Boys book, it has a chapter about each BSB, and at the beginning of his it says: “Howie has the looks of a Latin lover and he can speak the languages of Spanish and love, fluently.”

I love Kevin because he’s got a way sexy voice, he’s hot, he was, as it says in my book, “originally a backwoodsboy: He lived in a farm until he was nine, then moved to a log cabin!” He’s talented (he’s the only one besides Brian who helped compose any of the songs on Millenium: He helped compose “Back to your Heart”), and did I say he's hot? He sure is!!

I love Brian because he is way, way, way talented at least when it comes to composing songs. He’s always happy: He said in an interview, “Probably the only time you'll see me low is when I'm sick.” Brian has had a tougher time than the rest of the Boys recently. I mean, Howie’s sister dying, Denniz PoP dying, but Brian had a grandparent die, plus he had heart surgery!
In conclusion, I love all the Boys. If you need proof of why any of them are hot, click here.

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