Help us!!! This page is a list of upcoming projects we hope to undertake, but we need your help!
Small press artists materials
An article/listings/links page of who uses what, what materials work best for who, methods of reproductions, hints and tips and general disscussion on the physical process of making an indie comic.
Where do you fit in?Anyone who works on comics, works as a printer, knows what materials an artist uses, knows current prices for producing work, knows helpful links etc. PLEASE get in touch!!
Scripts page and wanted page
If you have a script with no artist, send it to us. We'll put it on our site, and let people read it.
Our wanted page will help wordless artists and pictureless writers meet. Get in touch and get your name on the list. Find that special someone to make your comic dreams come true!!!
Remember...we're always looking for items for our online comic section, random quotes,conventions, spotlight on...and gallery sections.