Scott Mills
1.What are you currently working on?
A 300-page sci-fi graphic novel called The Masterplan for Top Shelf Productions.
2.What are your main influences? (apart from Bubba and Smoot!)
Anything and everything I can see, read, touch, taste and experience in life.
3.Is there anyone that you'd like to collaborate with?
Anyone in Hollywood.
4.What materials do you like to work with best?
Actually, I prefer using pens, but you can't really get the line width variations I like without a brush. Brush pens are okay, but they dry up and get bent too quickly.
My Xeric book CELLS is currently being made into a short film. I'd love to see TRENCHES made into a full-length feature. We'll see.
6.With your offer of commissions on your site, whats the weirdest thing you've been asked to draw?
Don't do it half-assed. If you really love making comics, you've gotta live and breathe it. As long as you keep working at it all the time, the rest will come together in time.
8.What comics would you recommend currently? (anyone new to look out for?)
Anything NOT by Kevin Smith.
9.Now, about your long did it take to build? Did you know immediately which statues you wanted or did you need to find ones to best represent aspects of your personality?(the palace is great, it helped me learn some Japanese just by looking around it.)
It was slow going at first, but with a little concentration you can build up some nice structures fairly easily.
10.If you could be any monster what would you be and what would you stomp?
As Godzilla I would squash George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and all the other Suited Butchers who've been passing themselves off as public servants while steadily destroying the world. Oh, and I might step on Val Kilmer too.
Check out Scotts site, you buy his comics there as well as original artwork!!!