The Comics Scene in Ireland

by Leonie O'Moore. 04/08/02

Ireland isn't traditionally famous for it's comics, but over the last few years its been quietly transforming into a hotbed of indie talent.

Recently I went to Dublin and investigated, and found a very different comic scene to the one I left behind in the late 90's, when I moved to the U.K.

The scene I remember was more like a zine scene than a comic one. The only homegrown small press/indie stuff was black and white photocopied work that was usually badly cobbled together (my work included). A few people had some lofty dreams of full colour graphic novels, but somewhere between doing the pre-lim sketches and looking for funding they seemed to disappear.

Now, however, there is not only a high standard of work being produced, but also a great pride in it. Instead of the traditional way of making an indie comic (i.e. slipping scraps of artwork in with the paperwork in the office to slyly get it photocopied), people are setting up their own publishing companies and making the move from indie to real small press production.

The traditional black and white indie still exists there, but that too has gotten better. The standard of artwork and writing in the examples I saw were definitely better than the old self-indulgent scrawlings of 15 and 16 year olds that I remember. I guess everyone's grown up and the comic scene has grown up with them.

The comic shops have also improved (in Dublin, at least). Forbidden Planet (not a name I'd normally praise in an article about small press) has got a stand for indie comics and is really receptive, and the manager actually seems to be interested (weird).

Toenail Clippings

Big If...publications

Best New Small Press Alph Art Nominee, International Comic's Festival, Angouleme 2002

Well produced, and ready to take on the rest of the world. Colour covers, black/white/grayscale interiors, anthology comic.

Review of Toenail Clippings #3


Bob Byrne

Another comic that can happily sit on a shelf with the American heavyweight small pressers (as proven by Forbidden Planet, who've placed it in the Slave Labor stand)

Review of MBleh! #1


Joven Kerashtest

Hailing from the U.S., Joven is now based in Ireland, and he's brought a wealth of talent with him. Don't believe me? Go look at his site, then come back here and buy his comic.

Review of Ructions

A Crack in the Shell


Phil Barrett

A crack in the shell is a little gem, filled with short strips, most notably "wage slave". Classic indie stuff, if you like your comics honest with their zine roots on show, this is for you.

Review of Matter

All comics are available from There goes Tokyo...

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