Art:Bob Walker Story:Mike Butterworth Everything else:Trevor Hughes.
Many thanks to Mr.Trevor Hughes for what is probably my strangest read in a good while. As we were sent these comics with very little back up information it's hard to a clear picture of where they are coming from, but as far as I can gather it's an unpublished independent sequel to the "Time of the Hawklords" trilogy. (1976-Star Books) It has been expanded and serialised by some diehard fans and produced as a mini-comic. The story is very fragmented and surreal as we follow the escapades of stoner metal-merchants Hawkwind through intergalactic war, preparations for the ultimate gig and outlandish "Hawkwind space rituals".
approx. A5 size
Issues 3+4
Free comic
Available free by mail from Zephyr (SAE)
also avaiable free at TUC /mega mart.
With a story reminiscent of Spinal Tap meets Flash Gordon (but in a good way..)and very 70's underground black and white artwork this is a well presented independent made by some truly dedicated fans. I spent most of my time confused or bemused trying to follow the mind-bending plot, but maybe as the boys themselves say....
"you've got to get out of it, if you want to get into it."
PO Box 6,
the village,
North Wirral,
CH45 4SJ.
Or get yourself down to TUC Comics,cards etc. Mart
in Londons west end.