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Cross Stitch Freebies - Borders

Here is the list of free cross stitch charts for "Alphabets". As you can see I have included some "Assisi", "Blackwork", "Plastic Canvas" and simple "Needlework" charts here in the "cross stitch" section. When I get round to it these will have their own pages.

Border With Red Flowers

Cloud Border

Fancy Corners
February Band For Mystery Sampler 2000 (2)
Flame Frame
Frame Up!

Geometric Border for Bed Linen

January Band For Mystery Sampler 2000 (2)

March Band For Mystery Sampler 2000 (3)

The Sun, Moon & Stars
Two-Colour Border

Windmill Border (Ribbon Corners)
Windmill Border (Simple Corners)
Wreath Border