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Ode To Cowgirls

The American Cowgirl

Every Cowboy has a Cowgirl!

The cowgirl sitting on her horse took out a
pen and paper. There she started her letter.
Over the years he had written poems to her each
day and never missed one. He had given her special
little gifts or flowers each day in his special way!
Today she wanted to write her thoughts to words too.

Gee sweetheart,
If I had a penny for each time you wink and smiled
at me! I be the richest cowgirl in the world....
But I'm that already! You have built a loving world
around us! From my horse here I see the day you
worked so hard to keep a calf alive. The times you
had to leave our bed to keep animals alive and safe.
The long hours in the field making haying and not sleeping.
The days you shared your affection with me into the night.
Remembering the touches of your callouses hands and yet
smooth to my skin. You have taught me about nature...
the loving ways that flows through you... I have had
that special loving nature's dance many times with you.
That special look you give me during the day that only
we share.

To love you...To watch you in wonderment and remember our
bodies tangled into one. To listen to your dreams knowing
that you care. Yes I have riden our pasture out there.
Roped a calf or two. Laid our brand on the cowhide...Even
helped you calve too. I remember the hot days working
beside you haying in temps of 100. But I did because I
loved you. There where times you had to be gone and I
understood this... But I stilled miss you and worried!!
Over the years "My Cowboy" I will ride next to you holding your
hand. Just as I have always done. I remember those tears
in your eyes too. I remember you trying to make my bad
days into good ones. I remember your short temper do to stress
and not letting it show. I remember most your smile and taking
time each day to surprize me...that kiss, that day in the straw,
the nightly walks we have, those private dances lessons, watching
you cook dinner. Yes I remember all of those things and more.

The things I have done for you honey have been out of love and
because I care. You always seem to know when I needed your
touch, your words, your love, your time, most of all you at my
side. I see you at the corral today working hard as you always do.
I'm so proud that you are proud of me...but I'm so proud of you too!
But there is that smile!!! Yes God bless you with that smile
and your words and your ways!!!! "Heaven knows" how I have put
up with it or the years!!!! Well Honey I better end this letter
and get to work before you fire me!! Just wanted you to know
That I have no regrets for all we have shared on this ranch
of ours!!!!!! For the Love You have shown and for the ways
you show me your love back.

Signed Your Cowgirl

Cowgirls Helping Hands

With her cowboy on the cattle drive she always rides the drag!
Keeping her patience with the cows and calves moving slow.
Each day she works hard and wipes the sweat with her silk rag.
Down the long draw and up the ridge she hears a sound of the crow!
She fixes her loop, then hears the loud cry of a bumb steer.
Carefully she picks her way as her horse picks up his ear!
Knowing her horse she watches for the signs and as he neigh.
For out of the brush comes her cowboy and, she hears him say.
Hi honey thanks see your found the bum steer we lost dear.
She feels her heart rise as he rides over to her so near.
With a smile and a wink he leans over and gives her a kiss.
Places his hand on hers thanking her and telling her he like this.
Together they ride back to the ranch!
Side by side feeling their loves like a avalanche.
She remembers when he was the rodeo's best.
He thanks her for all the years, that he never did rest!
Riding high in their saddles he takes her hand.
The cowgirl knows her cowboy and where they stand!!!!!

The Wolf Den
Bunkhouse Humor
The Spirit Of Long Ago

Sassy Homepage
Kells Corner..Kella's homepage
Morning Glory
Catz Welcome From There See Her Others Sites
Terriers page

Look For my book here and at Amazon

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