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It is sung in Cherokee lanuage.
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A Ride In The Moonlight

A ride in the moonlight, in woods on my way.
Many things have strirred my senses, on this day!
The evening has a chill in the air.
Riding along this river with care.
For the mountain meadow is quite in disguise.
A river__flowing bending to my surprise!
And to my right a small water fall.
As the woods makes a beautiful wall.
There to the left blackberry brushes growing in this land.
In woods by the moonlight of this night, life is so grand.
Can you just smell pine needles and moss under my feet.
And the other fine timbers that have fallen, smelled sweet.
For soon in the woods a new white cover for the year.
To fall gently on the trees, Here I will place my spear.
For one moment I call out and slowly looked back.
There in the grove a Buck with antlers, what a full rack!
Winding my way around in these woods, in the MOONLIGHT.
Soaking in the wonder, sharing with the spirits tonight.
The sounds are warming and guiding my they should.
There is nothing so thrilling as this ride in the woods.
On this evening sky of MOONLIGHT, seems to call and sing.
Like the small white DOVE, fly here upon his wing.

Mountain of a heart

On this porch in my swing I sit serence!
Bearing myself to the lovely nature's scene.
Held by the spirits for a moment in time.
Falling into their senses so subline.
For maybe a life tear's has dried!
The spirit of pleasure cone to me and guide.
With your senses full of nature's knowledge and grace.
This is my hour, this is the place!
Winged spirits rode on the moutain top high!
To tell me of two hearts, but only I hear a sigh!
For tonight maybe robbed of a loving dream.
Sitting here on this porch looking at the shattered scheme.
But still hearts feel the awe of of life.
Yes life with it's joy, pain and strife.
With what wonders the eye can see.
Spirit bring our souls to liberty!
For our soul's that sit in prefect grace.
For our heart's that feel each other's embrace.

My Wishing Star In the Moonlight!

On this night I see a star above.
There high in the heavens in the sky.
Well, I shall call this my wishing star so true.
For on this night in the moonlight a wish for you!
Though the starlight has to travel many miles.
On this moonlight night I gave you many smiles.
Riding here I think of you.
And maybe dreams do come true.
Through the ups and downs.
So, if you ever see a star above.
Remember that is it filled with love.
You can bet that star's is my wishing star.
And you may wish tonight, on my star so far.

Thank you for travel on this moonlight path!

  • I Tip My Hat And Wish You All happiness And Health
  • Please Take A Smile And Give To A Friend

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Life American West The Cowboy
