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  • (1)How to disable the right click

  • (2)How to play music on your page

  • The no right click code is an AID in attempting to prevent people from taking the graphics on your web site.
    It is NOT fool proof, there are ways around it.
    If someone wants to steal they will find a way.
    On the code below you may change the sections where you see.. Sorry, that function is disabled.© 2001 eros applet to whatever words you want...but do NOT alter any other part of the code.


    Place the code in your HTML between </title> and </head> 

    <script language="JavaScript"> <!--
    // No rightclick script v.2.5
    // (c) 1998 barts1000
    // Don't delete this header!

    var message="Sorry, that function is disabled.© 2001 eros applet"// Message for the alert box

    // Don't edit below!

    function click(e) {
    if (document.all) {
    if (event.button == 2) {
    return false;
    if (document.layers) {
    if (e.which == 3) {
    return false;
    if (document.layers) {
    // --> </script>

    How to put Music on your page:
    This is what I use..

    To have the music BEGIN as the page is loading add the following code to your page...directly after the <body> tags:

    <EMBED SRC="titleofsong.mid" Hidden="TRUE" AutoStart="TRUE" width="135"height='50" Loop="3">

    Just put the name of your midi in the place where I have show one.

    Also...don't forget to upload the midi to your file directory!
    You can also use this other code below

    <bgsound src="titleofsong.mid" Hidden="TRUE" AutoStart="TRUE" width="135"height="50" Loop="3">

    Site content Copyright © 2001
    Eros Applets All Rights Reserved
    *NOTHING on this page is for download!*