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Area 51

CASE DATE: 04/01/76-- Photo by corner hot dog vender, Jack Hebb. Witness Hebb claims he heard the sound of tires squealing and looked up to see a car fast approaching his hot dog stand. Hebb says he took the shot thinking it might be a bank robber trying to get away from the scene of a crime. He brought photo to this investigator, after getting it developed. Hebb swore that there was a woman driving as he shot the picture. It is obvious to this investigator that the passenger of this car is Firefighter/Paramedic Roy DeSoto (Station 51)...could the driver be his ever elusive and camera shy wife, Joanne? We may never know....

Disclaimer: This page is in no way affiliated with Universal Studios or Mark VII Limited. All characters and situations from the television show "Emergency!" are the property of Universal Studios and Mark VII Limited. No copyright infringement is intended by the use of any television characters in these efforts.