Alot of people believe that the Y2K (year 2000) bug will have an effect on everyone's lives. Others believe it to be a giant hoax. I have prepared a list of links for you to follow, with the hope that you can gather your own information, and form your own opinion. While the potential loss of some conveniences, may scare you, you should know what steps to take in case of this happening. I cannot stress enough how important it is to always have on hand, emergency supplies. Not just to be ready for the results of the Y2K problem, but in case you ever find yourself in need of being self reliant.
Y2K The y2k information portal
Y2K Women A site dedicated to women concerned about y2k
Millenia The Cassandra Project
Y2K Chaos A wonderful site! Everything you could possibly want to know!
Y2K checklist Are you PREPARED
Year2000 Year 2000 info center
COUNTDOWN The year 2000 countdown resources page.
Christian Y2K Christian perspectives on Y2K
Articles Daily articles about Y2K
Utilities Electric utilities and Y2k
Y2K Time Bomb With a name like that, how could you not want to go check it out?
Books Y2K books!