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Chandler & Monica's Bio

Chandler and Monica - So far.....

TOW The Birth -

While waiting for Ross’ son to be born, Monica comments n how unfair it is that she has no husband or children. Chandler, listening to her suggests that if neither of them are married by the time they are 40 why don’t they hook up and have a kid.This just makes Monica mad at him though as she can’t understand why he thinks she wouldn’t be married when she 40! Also, earlier on in the episode, Monica starts crying on the phone to her mother, and I think it should be mentioned that it is Chandler who saves her.

TOW Phoebes Husband -

Short but sweet. We discover that Chandler and Monica have told each other their biggest secrets. Monica that is her underwear on the telephone pole, and Chandler that he has a third nipple! I think it’s worth mentioning because it was each other they confided in :)

TOW Ross Finds Out -

Although this is mainly a Ross and Rach episode, you gotta watch the sub plot! Monica and Chandler work out together, in which they do fight a lot but have so many funny lines. CHANDLER COLLAPSES DOING SIT UPS

Monica : Five more

Chandler : No!

Monica : Five more, and I’ll flash you

Chandler : One...two...two and a half;COLLAPSES Okay, how about you just show me one of them?

TOW The Flashback -

They ALMOST become a couple! Plus we get to see once again what good friends they really are.

Plus the lines: Monica : TALKING ABOUT POOL When I get back I’m going to whip your ass!

Chandler : Okay, but then we’re playing some Pool!

TOW The Ski Trip -

So what does this episode have to do with Chandler and Monica? Well, just in case you didn’t pick up on it, Chandler wanted Monica’s bra to be removed rather than any of the other girls!

TOW The Beach -

Waiting for Phoebe to come and take them to the beach In her taxi, Mon and Chan are sitting outside Central Perk. Monica complains that she doesn’t have a boyfriend, and AGAIN Chandler suggests himself as perfect boyfriend material! Monica laughs at him, and although he does admit he made a joke, he doesn’t like that Monica says that she would never view him as Boyf material.

So Chandler spends most of the holiday trying to convince Monica what a perfect boyfriend he would be. Sweet. TOW The Jellyfish -

While down on the beach Chandler is still tying to convince Monica he’d be the perfect boyfriend when she gets stung by a jellyfish. So he does something for her that most people would not do for love or money. He pees on her leg. At the end of the episode, Chandler is still trying to convince her forcing Monica to make the speech

:Ohk I think you’re great. I think you’re sweet, and I think you’re smart...But you will always be the guy who pee’d on me!

TOW The Uterus -

Well Chandler is looking for someone to help him work out how to impress Kathy in bed. It Monica who volunteers to do the job, giving a better performance than Meg Ryan’s famous orgasm scene in When Harry Met Sally.

TOW The Free Porn -

Did you see them cuddling together on the chair??? :) Now come on! That is SO true love! I mean...where did that come from?! (I hear wedding bells!) :)

TOW Ross’ Wedding -

Well it finally happens. Now I know it’s mainly Ross and Rachel’s episode but how can you ignore it when Monica pops out beneath Chandler’s covers?? :) The night before Chandler is comforting Monica after a drunk guy mistakes her for Monica’s mother. This makes her feel insecure about herself, leading Chandler to the line ....Who wouldn’t want you? Awwww! The next time we see them is in Chandler’s bedroom, together, in the morning. When walking down the aisle they agree that they made a stupid mistake but still make sure that they see each other that night!!! Yay!

I borrowed this from Violets Six Of One page. (Thanks Violet)