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Joey & Phoebe's Song

Well everybody...since Joey and Pheebs arent "official" they dont really have a song.:*( BUT...the votes are in and YOU out there voted for the J&P song and here it is!


Went to the sit on Santa's Lap,

Asked him to bring my friends All kinds of crap

he said all you need is to write them a song

They havent heard it yet so dont try to sing along..

so dont sing along...

Monica, Monica, have a happy Haunikka

Saw santa claus....he said hello to ross

and please tell Joey, Christmas will be snowy

And rachel and Chandler...(mumbles somthing)handler!

Thats what you guys chose!!!! notice how she tells Joey that Christmas will be snowy in advance so he knows to wear warm cloths....ahhhh!

You can download the song by clicking on the name.