My Quiz

Okay everybody!!! you think you know everything there is to know? Well, lets see you do this! All you need to do is click on the "Email Me" and leave the email box up and THE SUBJECT NEEDS TO BE LABLED "quiz", but just tell me your name, email address,and your sites URL and its name, and then go on with the answers to the questions (Please label the answers, 1..2..3 so i know what question the answer is to.) I will get back to you ASAP. Either that or...go ahead, get a piece of paper and write down your answers , and when your done email me (for those of you that dont have email added to your internet) because if you get 9 questions right, then you get an award! AND, you only get one chance...take your time!

HeRe'S a LiTtLe SoMtHiNg ThAt ThE qUiZ wIlL lOoK lIkE.

Friends~Rocks QUIZ

1.) What is Chandler's boss's name?




  • 2.) Why did Rachel & Paulo Break up?

  • Rachel got sick of him not understanding her.

    Paulo put moves on Phoebe.

    Rachel realized she was still in love with Ross.

  • 3.) Whats the # on the Conference room in the building where Chandler works?

  • 1406



  • 4.) In TOW Ross breaks his nose, what is the lady behind the counter doing?

  • She is giving herself a manicure.

    She is calling to complain about a candybar.

    She is eating a Twix, and there are 3 Snikers nearby.

  • 5.) Whats so odd about the first time Ross & Rachel say I love you?

  • The weren't even going out at the time.

    They were fighting at the time.

    They were "on a break" at the time.

  • 6.) When Ross (or other charactors) hit their wrists together 2, what does that mean?

  • FU

    Shut up!

    Bite me!

  • 7.) Opposed to the previous question, WHY did Ross make that up?

  • So he could do it in front of his parents when he got mad.

    So he could do it in front of Monica when he got mad.

    So he could do it in public without people knowing.

  • 8.) What is Joey's favorite food?

  • Apples



  • 9.) When Chandler and Joey had to buy a new table, what did it look like?

  • They didn't ever have to buy a new table, they sold the other one for 5 bucks.

    It was the Foos Ball table.

    That wasn't Joey and Chandler it was Rachel and Monica.

  • 10.) What is Phoebe's birth mother's name?

  • Phoebe



  • 11) What is the "giant poking device"?

  • Somthing they used to poke Ugly Naked Guy

    Its just an image they all had one time.

    Its a device that is used as a pogo-stick.

  • 12.) What is the Giant Poking Device made of?

  • Chopsticks

    A Wooden Pole

    Lots of Cardboard, and lots of tape

  • 12) When Ugly Naked Guy had a girl over, what did they name her??
  • Ugly Naked Guy NEVER had a girl over! (not counting the pizza delivery woman!)

    Ugly Naked Girl

    Ugly Naked Gal

  • Well there ya have it...Remember Just EMAIL me! (the address is down below!)

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