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Saved By The Bell & Friends.

I know what you're thinking... how can this guy possible compare the greatest television show ever with a cheesy teeny-bopper show like Saved by the Bell? Well, bear with me for a few paragraphs.

As much as we all hate to admit, we've all seen an episode of Saved By The Bell at one time or another. And even though we really hate to admit this, we were all entertained by it in some way. Sure, sure, I know what you're saying: Hey, I never watched that stupid show! Come on, who are you kidding. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

Let's break down the basic comparison: three guys, three girls, all good- looking in their own way, just generally living life and cracking one- liners along the way. (Note: this comparison only holds until that no- good leather-wearing biker lesbian named Tory comes on the scene) The characters themselves even bear amazing similarities to one another... let's take a look, shall we?

Chandler Bing/Zack Morris
Both always have the perfect comeback in any situation. Whereas Zack typically used his sarcasm as a scathing weapon against his good friend Screech, Chandler typically uses his sarcasm as a scathing weapon against good friend Joey.
Joey Tribbiani/A.C. Slater
Both Joey and A.C. have more in the brawn department than the brains department. Once in a great while, they'll come up with something funny to say; most of the time, they remain silent. Both Joey and A.C. could be considered the 'hunk' of their clique, and they are both good friends with their wittier counterparts (Chandler and Zack).
Ross Geller/Screech Powers
Both of them are sweet, sensitive males who harbor great affections for one of the other members in the clique (Screech for Lisa, Ross for Rachel). At times, both act like geeks, but in the long run they fall under the category of 'nice guy.' Sadly, Screech and Ross are both tragic characters... Lisa and Screech never got together, and in all likelihood the same will be true for Ross and Rachel.
Monica Geller/Jesse Spano
Both of these characters are anal-compulsive; Jesse about her grades, Monica about everything else. The others in the group tease them about how uptight they are, but it doesn't change anything. In addition, both of these characters can probably be considered expendable to the group... the show could go on without either of them. (Now if we can just talk to Courtney Cox about doing Showgirls 2.
Rachel Karen Green/Lisa Turtle
Both of these characters are amazingly spoiled and exhibit a lack of knowledge of how the real world works. Both Rachel and Lisa expected to depend on their daddy's money for the rest of their life. In addition, both Rachel and Lisa were the object of affection from another member of the group.
Phoebe Buffay/Kelly Kapowski
Both of these characters were the 'spacey' member of the group. While Kelly was seen as both a ditz and an airhead because of her cheerleader status, Phoebe is seen as a ditz and an airhead because... well, because she's a ditz and an airhead.
Central Perk/The Max
Both establishments served as the major hangout for the group, and it was rare that we would see them hang out anywhere else. Kelly worked at the Max; Rachel works at Central Perk.
The Leah Remini Factor
Who is Leah Remini? You may remember her as Stacy Carosi from Saved By the Bell, the daughter of the boss where Zack worked all summer and who he eventually tried to romance. Or you may remember her as the young pregnant woman from Friends that Joey helped out in The One With the Birth. Either way, she conspicuously appeared on both shows. Random? I think not.

I've got you thinking about it now, don't I?

Even some of the plotlines are shockingly alike.

The Birth
In one episode of Friends, Ross' lesbian ex-wife gives birth to a bouncing baby boy. In one episode of Saved By the Bell, Zack helps deliver Mr. Beldings' wife's child in a stalled elevator during an earthquake.
Loss of Pet
In an episode of Friends, Ross gets furious with Rachel for letting Marcel out of the apartment while watching him. In an episode of Saved By the Bell, Slater gets furious with Screech and Zack when his pet lizard dies while they are watching it for him.
Dating a Younger Man
In an episode of Friends, Monica is shocked to learn that the man she is dating is only a senior in high school. In an episode of Saved By the Bell, Lisa is shocked to learn that the man she is dating is only a freshman in high school.
In an episode of Friends, the guys and the girls all get together and play a game of poker. In an episode of Saved By the Bell, Zack loses Screech's dog to one of the school geeks in a poker game. Also, Zack loses Screech's dog to the geek with a full house, and Ross lets Rachel beat him with a full house.
In an episode of Friends, Monica turns down a great job offer from the owner of a restaurant because he shows up to her house stoned. In Saved By the Bell, the gang turns down a role in a famous actor's anti- drug commercial because he smokes a joint at a party.
Dating Siblings
In an episode of Friends, Phoebe gets upset when Joey goes out with her sister Ursula. In an episode of Saved By the Bell, Slater gets upset when Zack goes out with his sister J.C.
Tackling Responsibility
In an episode of Friends, Chandler is forced to deal with the fact that his employees don't like him after he is promoted. On an episode of Saved By the Bell, Zack is forced to deal with the fact that the students don't like him when he takes over as principal of Bayside for a week.

By now it should be painfully clear that Friends is, in fact, just a twenty-something version of Saved By the Bell!

remember... there is no such thing as a mere coincidence!