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The Rachel

In August of '94,When FRIENDS started, we saw Rachel Karen Green with an 'Undecided Haircut'.She didn't know whether she wanted her hair to be straight, wavy or curly. However that was all soon to change.

By the time we had reached the second season we saw Rachel with a brand new hairstyle. It was shorter, bouncier and much, much cuter. This hairstyle to become simply known as 'The Rachel'. Soon thousands of women all over the world were asking hairstylists for 'The Rachel'. It became a very big haircut.

Jennifer Aniston was sick of being known for her hair and not for her excellent acting abilities so she decide to gradually grow out 'The Rachel'. The same style was still achieved except the lenght of her hair was slowly growing.

Jennifer's hair grew to the length in this picture. 'The Rachel' had gone and it had gone for good. To liven it up she added colour, light colours that really looks great on her. Her dark roots are still there and I believe this is Jennifer Aniston's best haircut, and dare I say it, even better than 'The Rachel'. And, people all around the world still wonder how that woman's hair is always so great!

This arcticle was borrowed by FRIENDS ONLINE and they are given full credit for it.