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"I always remember the people I want to collaborate with...and then I write `Nobody`"

-Grant Morrison.

This site is "a haven for creativity and expression". It has a rant section, ficton, comics, and gallery with contributions from some great new talent,("amateur is a dirty word" according to Nobody). This site is a bit grittier than most small press sites, which is quite refreshing, in it's own unique way. Although verging on the over ambitious at times, with the goal of changing the world of art, music, literature and comics, the site luckily has enough cynacism about it to prevent it from being pretenious. The current contributors are: Jesse Amico, Edward Curb, Evil girl,Tim Glynn, Bruce Hughes, J.Hunter Lee, Nobody, Eric Shonborn and Jason young. I recommend this site, but love it or hate it, you should at least give it a go.

"Panic Attack" by Jason young is currently available to buy through the site, hopefully only the first of many Nobody comics.


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