J.D.'s  2-Way/4Way Viewer Instructions

If you do not see the yellow

title in the large box, (or you cannot scroll down to the bottom of the page), reload the viewer page until the page becomes usable for input of URLs. (This problem is the javascript bug, and you must be able to click on the window links). Super-Reload works best, which is done by holding CMD and R together on the wireless keyboard for 6-20 seconds; or the Windows key and R together on a wired keyboard, also for 6-20 seconds.

The 2-way page viewers allow you to have 2 separate sites on the screen at one time, with both sites displayed side by side, or above and below each other, with each window being useable.

The 4-way viewer allows you to display 1-4 sites, 2 side by side, and 2 sites above and below each other, all at the same time.

Some sites use a cover page (title page with Logos etc.), that will sometimes not work with this viewer tool. Just get the URL for one of its' accompanying pages, and use that.

Just use trial and error until you find a page or pages that work, and put the same URL in any two windows of the viewer to get a sample of the 2/4-way feature. Try using

The first thing you need to do, is to choose an URL to use in a window. You can use an URL that you remember, or use the URL lister and C/C/P.

The next thing to do is to click on 'URL for left side', or 'URL for Top'. A popup screen should come up to allow the input of a URL of the page you want to have showing in the left window or the top window, of the screen. (Sometimes it may take a moment to bring up the input box, just be patient; javascript bug). Input your URL, (if using C/C/P, be sure to erase the http:// in the input box, or you will end up with 2 of them, thereby not working), then, click on that URL (or the 'OK'), and that page should fill most of the whole screen as in normal viewing.

Then click on 'URL for right side', or 'URL for Bottom' window. The same popup will appear. Input a new URL or the same URL as before, and click on it. You should now see both pages displayed on the screen at one time.

The 'close window' feature allows you to use just one window or the other, in full screen mode without leaving the viewer. No need to close a window just to change that window to a new site; just click on the 'Input URL' button and input a new URL for that particular window.

Using a WebTV network page or site, like
 news:webtv.users  , will only work on one window side and will fill most of the screen. In other words; the viewer will not be much of any practical use for most WebTV network pages, (this is because the Viewer can not gain access to most WebTV network pages due to them being fire-wall protected and having hidden URLs). Other WebTV pages may work, but some links within the pages may NOT work. (those would be fire-walled).

You may click on any link on either left-side/right-side, above/below, display windows; but, (sometimes), to keep the same two or more display windows showing, you may need the links to be on the same site server as the page that the link is being displayed from; (like a different page, or somewhere on the same page of the same site);(usually, sites have more than one page on the same server).

If you click on a link from a window that directs you to another site server, you may lose its opposite window display. (be sure to wait awhile, to see if it does load properly).

If you do lose the opposite window, then, to get back to more than one display, you must then back up, or input another URL again.
Try using some links, and if they do make you lose the opposite window from using a link taking you off-site, you can just put the cursor on the problem link, press CTRL & CMD, and get the link URL, and input that URL in the 'URL for window' box. (That way, you will maintain the split screen feature).

Thanks to Chet,
an additional use of this viewer is that you can use one side to 'listen' to a music or radio listening site, (or even midi), while surfing using the other side of the viewer. If it is just a sound URL, the opposite side will fill most of the screen rather than be split screen, allowing almost normal surfing along with music.

While using any of the viewers, your 'back' button may seem like it doesn't work, but it really does. It is just backing up on each action you previously took while using the viewer......

****NOTE: It may appear that nothing is happening at times, and may seem frozen up, but be patient. It may just be that this program is reformating for viewing. When this delay happens, even your yellow light will not blink, nor can you see anything loading. Some pages load faster than others, and some can take over 60 seconds or more to show up.

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