Best 'Angelfire'
Advanced Editor
& WebShell Preferences

When using the Angelfire Advanced Editor and WebShell, certain 'preference' choices are best when using it with WebTV.

To get to the 'preferences' page, goto the 'Angelfire WebShell' page. Then, click on 'My Account' in the blue bar at the top of the page.


(while on 'edit page', click on 'preferences' at the top of the page, or at the bottom of the page).

The following, will show you 'my' personal choices, which I have found to be the easiest and most convenient to use with WebTV:


1) (display style)
     'compact file'

2) (file list size)
     8 'height'

3) (text box size)
     47 'width'
     17 'height'

When you are done making 'preference' changes, don't forget to click on 'save', at the bottom of the page.

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