Plus users (and 'New' Classic users), can see a clock above this. The html code widely shown for an easy clock in e-mail or a sig, is for viewing by WebTV Plus and New Classic units only. Old Classic units may put the code in their sig or e-mail, but it will only be visible by Plus or New Classic units. The first code shown, is the basic easy code, (to put in your signature box),(I use a green color on the clocks for illustration purposes - #90ee90, which requires extra code):
<html> <clock> </clock> </html>
Above code shows:
When you put the HTML code in your sig, be sure there is/are NO space/s before the <html>, and that it is put in the upper most left hand corner of the sig box. The clock code can be altered to show any part or mix of the variables. If you use <clock time seconds ampm>, it will show:
If you use <clock month year>, it will show:
If you use <clock military time seconds>, it will show:
If you use <clock allcaps abbreviated dayofweek month year time seconds ampm>, it will show:
The variables you can use are:
allcaps abbreviated military time seconds ampm day dayofweek month year
Just be sure to put a space between each one used.
For a first sig, just add extras for flair, such as above clock code, then add font color, font size, and other html, etc. (as is below), to suit your personal tastes. ie;
One way Old Classic users could possibly use and see a clock in their sig or e-mail is to use a code that uses cgi which is on a webpage; and then <embed that page into the sig.
Below are a few examples; two for regular use and the others to put the clock in the status bar when it is on a webpage. Just add one or more, (after the <embed src=".......>), of the following codes to the above code. You cannot use more than one of the status bar codes on any webpage.