WebTV Font Sizes

<H1> stands for 'heading' size 1, which is basically, a font size equal to font size=7.

With WebTV, there are 6 heading sizes, and 7 font sizes. There is no real seventh heading size; it is basically just a default font size when used.

You will notice that when using a heading tag, (ie; <h3>), that the resulting text will already be designated as bold. (no need to add <b> to your HTML. Also, you may notice that when using a heading tag, it produces text which is 'higher' than normal text on the same line. (different position can be seen in charts above).

When your box text size is set for 'small' in the settings area, or when using <body fontsize=small>, headings 1 and 2 display the same size, (ie; <h1> & <h2>); AND, font size=5 and font size=6 display the same size.

When your box text size is set for 'medium' in the settings area, or when using <body fontsize=medium>, headings 2 and 3 display the same size; AND, font size=4 and font size=5 display the same size.

When your box text size is set for 'large' in the settings area, or when using <body fontsize=large>, headings 3 and 4 display the same size; AND, font size=3 and font size=4 display the same size.

For WebTV users, you may set the base size font, by using <base fontsize=large>, (or medium, or small); for the whole page. Otherwise, you may also set each section of text by using <font size=5> etc., along with using 'sizerange' for that section. ie; <font size=5 sizerange=small color=black>