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Page Design (VORTEX Keeper) -- Validators (Various)

<---// Expert_HTML Validator //--->
<---// DOMANIA //--->

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Use Last URL Shown, Or Input New One

SpiritualArchitect's Source Viewer

Advanced  .htaccess

  Dr. RxHTML     Beth Candy's PB     W3 Source  

   Dr. Watson       WDG Source       WDG Batch   

   Endymion's  *New* Source Tool Page   

   Rex Swain's  *New* Source Tool Page   

  List #1 Of Miscellaneous Source Tools  

  List #2 Of Miscellaneous Source Tools  

  Diana's Validators List  

  Diane Duma's Validator  

  CannonBall's Validators Page  

  J.D.'s WebTV Handy Tips Page  

  J.D.'s  Validators Page  

How To Use The Tool Above:  Click on any of the validator buttons in the area with the large green text box above, like "Expert-HTML", and it will retrieve the HTML or Images information for the URL that is currently showing in the large green text box.

You can use the URL showing, or use a recent's history URL, or even use a URL of your own choice to input in the large green text box.

Clicking on any URL showing in the large green text box, will take you directly to that page, (Will Not Validate).

This page is currently under re-construction, and more validator buttons will be added soon.

If no URL is shown above, try 
(hold CMD & R together for 6-20 seconds).

If the URL is shown as "hidden", then you are trying to see a WebTV Network "visually restricted" URL. You can 'goto' the "hidden" URL by clicking on "hidden", but you just can not find the correct URL for 'saving', or 'linking', or C/C/P.

Save this page into 'favorites'. Assign a F-key to it for the ability of one key access to 'seeing' most URLs, and getting page HTML codes or image information. If this page is on a F-key, you will be able to press the F-key while on most sites, and get the URL and HTML of that site very easily.

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