Magnified WP & HTML TestBed

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To use as a word processor, either add text by C/C/P, or type your own message. Be sure to add <p> where you want a paragraph division, (no other HTML needed). Then, press 'Test HTML', to see/preview your finished product, which in turn can be printed out.

Or, you may use as a word processor using a little HTML to format the page. Use

 Your Whole Text Message Would Go Here </pre></html>
No need to use other HTML when using the 'pre' tags. ie; Just use 2 returns in your text message to produce paragraph breaks, or space bar for spaces.

Pressing 'back', after previewing/test, will take you back to this page, with the message or HTML, fully intact, (as last rendered), and ready for further edits or changes. Just continue using 'Test', until you are satisfied with the results. Then 'printout', or C/C/P.

Without need of any other HTML tags when using as a WP, you may use tags like these:

<H1> shows a size 7 text
<H2> - <H5> show other sizes
<b> shows Bold text
<TT> shows Teletype font
<i> shows italics
<u> shows underlined text

Use closing tags when you want to end the particular HTML tag.

</b> ends the bold tag.

Otherwise, just use full HTML to produce a page to appear as you prefer.

 The 'Regular' Version Of This TestBed 

 Italics Font Magnified WP & TestBed  

 The 'Wide' Version Of This TestBed 

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