Magnifier Tutorial

Please read the instructions below, for this site:

Site Text Magnifier

This magnifier can be adopted to suit your choices to magnify webpage site text, with your very own preferences of: text color, text size, background color, and even to use your own background gif. Once you have done the setup correctly, you will no longer need to goto the magnifier site itself. You will be able to use a F-Key which will in turn automatically magnify the page you were on when you pressed the F-Key.

At a certain point, you will be able to 'save' a page into favorites, (not the one listed above), which should be assigned a F-key. Then, when you are on some site that needs clarification and magnification, all you will need to do is hit your pre-assigned F-key, and the site will automatically be reformatted in the manner you had previously selected.

1) Click on the link to the text page magnifier at:
WebPage Text Magnifier

2) With the magnifier on the screen, click on the 'options' button in the upper right side of the screen. NOT your 'options' button on your keyboard or remote!

Everything on this page will be in large type. We will first do a practice setup, which you can stay with, or go back and further make changes to.

3) Scroll down, (just below the 'HELP MENU'), to see and read the descriptions for the available options which are shown at the top of this 'options page', (describes the things that you can select).

4) Scroll back up to the 'HELP MENU', (without making any changes yet), and then click on the left button which says 'F-key use'.

5) This page should now say 'Save this page....". Press your 'Save' button, and save it to one of your favorites folders.

6) Press 'Favorites', then click on the folder in which you 'saved' that page.

7) Click on 'organize' in the left sidebar.

8) Click on 'shortcuts'.

9) Find the magnifier page that you saved, and checkmark the box to the right of it.

10) Choose a F-key (preferably an empty one), and scroll down and click on 'done'.

You can now test out how the magnifier will work for you. GoTo some site, (other than a WebTV network page, because the magnifier will not work on those), like:
Draac's HTML

When the site shows up, hit your F-key with the magnifier on it. You should now see all the text in the largest text size available. The magnifier will not magnify images, but just the text.

The magnifier box will be at the top of the magnified page, in case you want to go to another page, or if you want to 'jump out', of the magnification. Jump out means to leave the magnifier, and have a regular display of the site.

If it worked for you, you can now just use that F-key whenever you need to see text better on sites other than your e-mail. (no WebTV network pages). For e-mail, use other magnifiers.
J.D.'s Magnifier List

If you prefer to use the other options of the magnifier like text or link colors, then once you have used the F-key to magnify a site, click on 'options' on the magnifier, and make your selections; then click on 'submit changes'. The site should now be shown with the new changes in effect.

You can always go back to 'options', and change things to something else. These changes will remain in effect until you either 'jump out', or use the F-key again. If you 'jump out', and then use the F-key on some other site, you will have to use the 'options' once again to make any changes to be in effect for the new site or sites.

Switching users, or powering off, will also cancel the changes.

I hope that helps to explain the use of the WebPage Text Magnifier, and that it works for you. It is a great tool, especially for WebTV users. You can always just use the magnifier page at the very top of this page, but to use it, you would have to input the URL of the site you want to magnify, each and every time you go to it.

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