Music View Help

This music and view tool is in its developement stage, and needs much improvement.

The best use of the tool can be accomplished by 'first' making the tool display a page you want to view/surf. Do this by using the orange box to acquire a previous URL to C/C/P, or from a URL you are familiar with.

Insert the URL into the blue box text field, and click on it. This will make the tool display the selected page at the bottom of the tool. Sometimes you will need to wait a few moments for the page to load. At times, it may even seem like nothing is happening, but it is. The page needs to reformat and to load fully. (can take up to 2 minutes on hard to load pages).

The next thing to do, is to choose your music selection. You can pick from my short list at the top of the tool, or my full current music list, or from your own familiar music URL.

If choosing your own URL, just enter it into the text field of the green box, and click on it.

If at any time you choose to pick another selection of music, the first music will stop playing until another selection has been choosen.

Choosing some other page to 'view' will also stop the current music selection, forcing you to choose again.

My music selections are setup only as music links, and are not looped for continuous play. Sorry.... I will later add looped music and music that will not shutoff unless selected to do so.

This tool is somewhat based on the old 'Surfnsound' page by another WebTVer. I have the link to that page on my VORTEX.

If you have any questions/comments/problems, feel free to contact me at

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