(For WebTV Use)

First of all, try to use the best possible video hookup between your WebTV terminal and your TV.

The very best method that can used, is the S-video hookup along with the RCA audio cord, (red/white). The next best method of hookup, is the RCA audio/video cord, (yellow-red/white). The second to worst hookup method, is using the coax-cable. The VERY WORST method of video hookup, is having to use a RF adapter.

Your method of hookup depends on your TV input jacks.

A similar TV picture adjustment area, (like part of mine below), can be found on the WebTV Plus by going to 'TV Home', clicking on 'settings', then clicking on 'screen'.

For Classic users, (primary user), goto 'Home', and click on 'settings', then click on 'television'.

Use the two following test groups for the first part of your TV's controls-setup procedure.

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Use the 'first group' of test lines to adjust your TV for clarity of reading the smallest possible text; by using 'Brightness', and 'Contrast', (or 'Picture') and 'Sharpness' controls.

Use the faded 'second group' of test lines to adjust your TV so that some can barely be seen, while maybe others not seen at all; by using just the 'Brightness', and the 'Contrast', (or 'Picture'), controls. (use the lowest 'brightness' and 'contrast' levels as possible).

Get the best overall settings from both test groups. Try to maintain an overall balance between settings so that you: Have the first group of test lines as clear and easy to read as possible, and the second group barely visible; all at the same time.

Once done, you should have the best viewing setup possible, and have the added benefit of more safety from the dreaded 'screen burn-in'. (permanent ghost images on the screen). It is best to use the lowest possible settings for 'contrast' ('picture'), and 'brightness', yet still have a viewable screen when using your WebTV. Note: The lower settings may not provide the best picture for regular TV viewing.

*** Use the Color Bar button for a page to adjust your TV's color and tint settings. ***

 Color Bars 

Alternate Color Bars & TV Adjustment Page

TV Color Bar Help

  1. Your Screen Size Check
  2. WebTV Screen Tester
  3. Screen Size Info By Jos
  4. Screen Resolution Info By Jos
  5. Screen Size Info By MSNTV
  6. WebTV Screen Size Info
  7. WebTV Screen Size Info

Use the next few screens below, to see if your TV displays lines correctly or not. If, (after doing all the correct TV settings), any of the lines are not straight, then your TV's vertical or horizontal alignment may be poor or in need of adjustment. (technician needed to perform this). If the lines are still bent/bowed after setting the contrast to the lowest setting possible, then you most likely do have a bigger problem with alignment.

If you can see colors around any of the white lines, then your TV's convergence may be in need of adjustment. (the 'crosshatch' boxes and lines should only be white lines on a black background).

If you see any colors around the white, it is usually red. Convergence usually requires a technician to perform, except projection sets which have minor convergence adjustments for the user/owner.

The graph with the white dots, may be the best to show good or poor convergence. (as with the white lines, there should be no green/blue/red colors bleeding out of the white).

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